The Ol' Switch-a-roo

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"Sorry you're having to deal with all this 'feelings' shit, I know it's not your jam." Virgil said gruffly, trying not to stretch his chapped lips too much.

Logan frowned, but continued in his act of dabbing Virgil's forehead with a wet cloth.

"Your apology is unnecessary, Virgil. Please, let me assure you. Anyway, this goes beyond mere 'irrational' feelings if I'm being honest, there is something more logical - that is to say, more concrete, if you will - at the bottom of this." Logan removed the cloth to dip it back into the bucket of water beside him.

Virgil had been moved to the couch for the time being, Logan sitting on the edge of the mattresses on the ground next to him. Roman had just started his shift hanging out with Thomas, and would be there for several more hours.

Logan paused, his hand hovering over the bucket, until he sighed and dropped it in. He turned to Virgil, looking somber.

Virgil felt the familiar kick of panic in his guts.

"What? What did I do?" His eyes were wild, and he tensed up as though someone had shot him with a taser.

Logan internally cursed himself so his callousness, and put his hand on Virgil's shoulder, in what he hoped was a comforting gesture.

"Everything is fine. Well, its not, but it's not your fault." Logan stared intently at him and Virgil relaxed a little. "I'm the one who should be sorry. I - I didn't listen to you. Despite my best efforts to do otherwise, my research wasn't thorough enough and I - unforgivably - jumped to conclusions. Then I went to Patton and Roman before asking you if you were okay, or your opinion."

Virgil blushed a little - though it could have been his fever - and avoided Logan's gaze.

"Don't - please don't worry about it. If I were you, I would have done exactly the same - "

"No." Logan stood, his fists balling in frustration. He was no longer looking at Virgil, instead looked away, face full of shame. He had lost so many battles lately...he would be damned if he lost this one. "Listen to me. I trust your reasoning, and your motives. This isn't your fault and I need - I really need you to understand this. I - I -" Logan floundered, face growing ever redder as he struggled to find the words to express what he wanted to say.

Virgil's hand reached out and grabbed Logan's arm, halting him in his search for words.

Logan looked down, and tried not to cringe or wince at how weak Virgil's grip was. Virgil's hair was practically plastered to his head from sweat and lying down. His complexion was an unhealthy hue of yellow, but his lips were blue.

There was an understanding in his eyes though, a spark of life. Virgil gave him a tight smile, which Logan returned gratefully. Logan wasn't sure how long they stayed like that for, but eventually, Virgil let his grip fail and his hand drop. He closed his eyes and drew his blankets closer.

"Whatever." He grumbled. "Don't got time for saps, it's time for naps."

Logan tried not to let the sudden stab of sadness ruin the moment - Patton would have been so proud of Virgil for that line. Logan eased his way out of the living room quietly, and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He made his way quickly to his room.

He smiled grimly.

Roman was babysitting Thomas.

Virgil would be falling asleep any second.

Both would be occupied for at least two or three hours.

Logan began to change.

All was going according to plan.

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