Early Birds

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Virgil yawned, nursing an early morning headache, and tried to make as little noise as possible as he moved down the hallway and into the kitchen. He wasn't surprised to find it empty - it was exceedingly early.

He grabbed an apply from the fruit bowl in the middle of the table and took a bite, leaning against the counter lazily.

"You better be having more than that." Stan chided.

"Oh come on! I've already ruined every breakfast food that's known to man." Virgil swallowed and moved to sit down at the table, suddenly feeling very weak.

When was the last time he had successfully kept a meal down for more than twenty minutes? Being on a proper, healthy food schedule had never been a strong point for Virgil, but even he was starting to get concerned about what this might mean.

"You need to tell them."

"Na, I don't want them to worry."

"Virgil - "

"Look, I'll just try eating a little less but more often, okay?" Virgil pleaded. It was too early to be able to deal with this - it was one of the reasons he wanted to get in before Patton was up...

"I swear, if you're still sick when I form I'll kick your ass."

Despite how weak and awful Virgil felt, he couldn't help but give in to a small smile: Tristan was so close to forming. His 'light' had grown to the point where it was more or less in a humanoid shape.

Though Virgil was looking forward to having his friend in the real world, he couldn't help but indulge in those ugly feelings that were bubbling away inside him.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Virgil hesitated, not wanting to seem pathetic or needy. He took another bite of his apple, and decided to hit on one of the less emotionally charged issues plaguing him.

"How can I get to the back of the mind if you're not there to bring me in?"

"...That may be a question for Logan, sorry. I don't know the ins and outs of the mindspace. Come on though Virgil, there's something else, I can tell."

"It's nothing..." Virgil hunched his shoulders, trying not to feel so awkward and stupid. "I just...I dunno. I just kind of like that..." He felt like a selfish dick for even thinking it, and the words caught in his throat.

"Virgil, I'm not going to abandon you just because I'll be able to interact with the others."

Virgil nodded, taking another bite of his apple. He was glad Tristan was good at picking up on these insecurities of his, and that he never made Virgil feel like he was a pain for needing affirmation constantly.

"Thanks buddy. I can't wait to see what you look like. Bet you look like a nerd - "


Virgil froze, apple halfway to his mouth. His back had been facing the door, a rare lapse in judgement that he now cursed himself vehemently for.

Roman came into view, moving cautiously around the table and into Virgils' line of sight.

Virgil shrank a little more. Despite the ungodly early hour, Roman was all done up prim and proper, ready for the day. Virgil almost hissed at the bright whiteness of his counterparts' blazer.

Virgil, in comparison, was wearing dark, fluffy, purple pajamas and hadn't even applied his signature make up yet.

Despite Romans' dapper appearance, he looked uncharacteristically solemn.

"Who were you talking to?" Roman tried not to look to accusatory, and sat down in the chair opposite to Virgil in an attempt to appear less threatening (Patton had been giving them all secret lessons on how best to make Virgil feel at ease.)

"Myself." Virgil shrugged. He could almost feel Stan twitch, like he always did when Virgil lied.

'Come on, it's technically true.' Virgil thought back, bracing himself for the 'humorous' jabs from Roman that were sure to come.

Roman narrowed his eyes slightly and pursed his lips as he scanned Virgils' face in deep thought. Virgil shifted uncomfortably, and wished desperately for his hoodie to hide in.

"No offence, Virgil, but you look a little...disheveled." Roman raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair. Usually, he wouldn't press too far - at least not sincerely - but he had to find something else to focus his busy mind on at that moment.

Virgil scoffed, crossing his arms tight.

"You're one to talk! You - " Virgil paused in the delivery of his come-back as Romans' eyes met his. Actually, if he was being honest...Roman did look a little crap. He suspected that the slight bags he could make out under the others' eyes would be much more pronounced if Roman hadn't been wearing so much make-up. His hair was limper than usual, and Virgil couldn't spot one speck of glitter on the Prince. "You don't...look so good either."

Instead of being mad or offended or indignant, Roman ran a hand through his hair and managed a smile. It was...kinda nice, for once, for these two opposites to be able to express concern without it being conceived as criticism.

"Big day ahead. Been a big week actually - trouble in the Kingdom."

Virgil nodded, but then regretted the action sincerely as he felt the room start to spin slightly. The initial shock of Roman walking into the kitchen seemed to be wearing off, and Virgil could suddenly recognise how awfully wet the back of his mouth felt, and how uneasily his stomach writhed.

"Let me know if I can help with that - " Virgil made to stand up, but Roman caught his arm.

"I really mean it, you've been doing so well lately. You haven't been around, so you might not know, but Thomas has...has an audition today. After that, I swear we'll take a little break, have a little 'me' time, at least until we hear back from the audition." Roman was doing his best, but Virgil could only managed a pained smile as he gently tugged his arm out of the Princes' grip.

His head was spinning, white spots popped in his vision. Virgil groaned slightly as he left the kitchen and headed for the bathroom, where he expected his apple would be making a rather quick exit.

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