The Audition

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Roman didn't even blink when he saw the dead meadow that morning - there was too much on his mind.

Was this Virgils fault? Was it unintentional, or...

No. He had struggled to work past that sentiment. Without proper evidence he wouldn't let it make a reprise.

Roman waved his right hand out sadly, and closed his eyes as he felt the magic leave him. He was tired. The juice that it took to keep whatever this vile disease was at bay was taking a massive toll on him.

He stumbled a little as a dizzy spell washed over him.

Roman breathed in and out slowly and held out his hands to steady himself.

The Prince opened his eyes, and let out a cry. It was somewhere between a kicked puppy and a choking bird.

The meadow was still dead.

Roman huffed out, and focused on a single flower. Summing up what little energy he had left, we held his hand out and willed it to live.

The flower lifted its head...then burst into dust.

Roman just stared, horrified, then turned on his heels and fled into the trees.

To his surprise, as he ran, he blinked away tears. Frustration, fatigue, and confusion swirled inside him.

He skidded to a halt a what he judged to be about 200 metres away from the meadow. If he couldn't fix it, he'd have to just contain it.

Roman took a steadying breath, and turned to face the direction he'd come from. He weaved his hands in the air before him, willing a dome of magic to encapsulate the dead meadow. Silver streams raced out before him, weaving and wrapping an intricate web around the perimeter, then thickened out to form a dome.

Roman heaved a sigh, put his hands down, and straightened up. He'd never felt as drained as this befo-

Roman woke up in his castle.

He gasped and sat up straight, wincing at the sharp pain in his chest and breathing heavily. Roman put his head in his hands.

One thing he knew for sure - he may be in over his head.


"You...died?" Patton looked horrified, hands clasped over his mouth.

"Well...technically yes - but you can't actually die in the dreamscape, you just kinda...reset?"

"OH ROMAN!" Patton sobbed, his glasses fogging up.

The three of them were in the mindscape living room - Patton was sitting on the edge of his armchair, facing a couch that Roman had splayed out on in exhaustion, and Logan was pacing in front of the TV.

Virgil hadn't answered his door when Patton had gone to fetch him.

Roman half halfheartedly checked his watch.

"Christ -" He sat up, but winced at the sudden movement and change of altitude. Patton was up like a shot, and helped stabilize the Prince by sitting next to him and holding him steady for a moment.

"Shhh, it's okay," Patton soothed him gently.

"No-no, the audition..."

"You're not well Roman - "

"Thomas must get this role."

Patton and Roman just stared at Logan, who had stopped pacing suddenly. He had been pretty silent ever since Roman had stumbled into the living room and collapsed onto the couch...

" don't usually, erm, care very much about this stuff..." Roman was too tired to be any more delicate.

"This is not some trivial stage show or, or, some small scale project. This is a major film franchise. Logically, the exposure and to be honest, the financial compensation is not something that Thomas can frankly afford not to do - "

"I agree with Logan." Virgil materialised in the corner, folding his arms and looking sullen. The other sides jumped at his sudden appearance, and Virgil raised an eyebrow. He tried his best not to sway - teleporting from the back of the mind had temporarily knocked him for one, his stomach lurched and his vision blurred.

"Where have you been all day?" Roman asked frustradedly. Patton put his hand on his should but Roman shrugged it off. He wasn't trying to be aggressive...everything just felt so out of control...

"Around." Virgil shifted uncomfortably. He had come for Thomas, not to be interrogated.

"Let's stay on topic for now." Despite the tension in the room, Logan was buoyed to have someone on his side. "Thomas is currently waiting for his audition, and we all need to focus on that."

Roman stood up and clenched his fists to keep himself from groaning in pain.

Virgil sucked in air rather quick and recoiled slightly at the aggressive move, but stood his ground.

"Somethings just not right." Roman muttered.

There was a pained silence.

"Virgil, you need to tell them the truth."

Virgil broke his eye contact with Roman and looked down.

"Buddy, you're sick, Roman doesn't look good either..." He didn't look good, his face was blotchy and his eyes were bloodshot.

Logan and Patton stared at the other two, waiting for something to drop.

"It's going to be Thomas' turn soon."


Virgil opened his mouth and made to move forward, he was going to tell them everything...

Instead, he groaned, his vision spotting and eyes becoming bleary. Dizziness wrapped around him and he stumbled.

Virgil collapsed, and dimly registered a sharp pain in his side as he fell, before being caught in someones arms...

There was...yelling...footsteps...a bright spotlight?

He blinked rapidly and the vision of a panel of judges leaked away...

Virgil's head lolled and lost consciousness.

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