The Divergent Daughter

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NOTE: This will be in Taylor's POV Tris and Tobias's daughter, UNLESS it's says otherwise. I don't own any characters except for all the new ones. Also these are all my original ideas and were not taken from any other fanfic's. Thanks for reading Enjoy!



"Mom!" Yells Taylor. I feel panicked her scream sounds serious. I run into her room and see her on the the floor tied up. I run over to help her.

"Taylor what happened?" I ask undoing the knots.

"Toby came in and attacked me!" she says. I can tell she's really mad. I undo the rope and she jumps up and runs in the other room. I run after her to find her on the ground tackling her brother, Toby.

"Taylor Grace Eaton!" I scream, "get off your brother!" I run towards them but I am stopped by Tobias who runs past me. He grabs Taylor and takes her out of the room. I go over to check on Toby.

"Are you okay?" I ask helping him up. He nods but I can see she punched him a few times. I feel bad but then I remember that he attacked her first.

"Why did you attack your sister?" I ask He just looks at the ground and frowns.

"Toby." I say. He looks up and sighs

"Yesterday me and her were bickering and she embarrassed me in front of my friends by saying something she shouldn't have." he explains. I look at him questionably.

"What did she say?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter I was just getting revenge." he smiles. I laugh and nod then I let him go back to his video games and walk out to talk to Taylor, this will be interesting.



Dad comes in and grabs me off of Toby then takes me into the hall. He looks mad. I try to run but he doesn't let me. "Why Taylor?" he asks. I just shrug my shoulders. I can't tell him Toby attacked me because then he ask why and then I have to say he was mad at me because I told all of his friends the girl he likes. He looks at me in the eye and I look back. He's eyes are a deep blue. Mine are exactly the same and I have his brown hair but I have my mothers facial features and her build so I am extremely small compared to all the other Dauntless. I am about to turn 16 and I look like a 12 year old. He just shakes his head and smiles.

"Stubborn just like your mother." he laughs and I smile proudly. Then my mom comes bursting out of Toby's room and looks at me with her deadly stare. She has brown eyes like my brother and they have the same blond hair. All the girls at school drool over him but no one even gives me a second glance. She stares at me and I know Toby told her what happened.

"I'm sorry mom I won't do it again." I say. She just looks at me and nods then I walk back to my room and fall asleep.


Today's my sixteenth birthday and I am not that excited. Most people have huge parties on there birthday and my parents have offered but I tell them no. For one I don't like to have a lot of focus on me and I only have like theee friends. My one friend Skylar who is the same age as me. She has blond hair and amazing green eyes. Her parents and mine are friends, Zeke and Shauna are her parents. Then there's Zak, he has black hair and brown eyes his parents are Christina and Will him and Skylar like each other but they aren't dating. I think there afraid to ask each other out. And then there's Conner. He has dirty blond hair and light blue and greenish eyes. He my best friend in the whole world his parents are Uriah and Marlene. He also has a sister that my brother likes her name is Stella. Her and my brother are 16 there both almost a year older then me and Conner but not quite. I walk out of the house really early I don't want to be bombarded by my parents I leave a note.

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