Chapter 7

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"Defiantly Erudite," I said.

"No way Amity," Conner said.

"Dude that makes no sense there supposed to be peaceful," I said.

"Well Erudite are supposed to use facts not make up stuff," he argued.

"Yes but the question is do they," I laughed. Conner stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same.

"What are you guys doing," asked Sammie as she walked in the training room.

"Trying to say which faction lies the most between Erudite and Amity," I replied.

"Oh it's gotta be Erudite," she said, "Amity are so relaxed they can't even come up with lies or have a reason to."

"Ha," I said, "I told you."

"One persons opinion means nothing," he said. I was about to argue when Eric's voice boomed over us.

"Everyone line up," he yelled. Everyone shuffled over to the targets. Eric was standing in front of us at the targets and my dad was behind us by the knives.

I glance back and see him rubbing his temples. I sigh I knew he should have listened to the doctor and stayed home. Training with a concision? Who does that? Oh right my father the one and only Four!

I look back up to Eric who is ranting about safety. Because apparently today we're using knives. Once he's done giving his speech about knife throwing we all grab knives and start. I throw my knives perfectly with it being one of my strong areas. I see Rob having a hard time with the knives some of them hitting the floor. I see my dad and Eric are busy so I walk over to him.

"Hey," I say appearing next to him, "it helps if you hold it like this." I show him the proper way and he throws it a little better.

"Thanks," he says.

"Oh and it helps if yo-" I was cutoff by Eric.

"Eaton what do you think your doing," he yelled.

"I was just helping him a little," I say.

"Well stick to your own target," he boomed, "back to work." With that he turned back to the girl he was helping. I give a Rob a small smile and head back over to my spot.

A little while later Eric is walking down the row watching how we throw. When he walks past me I head a satisfied grunt. I smile knife throwing is my strong suit. I look over and see he's watching Rob, oh no. Rob throws and misses completely. "Come on that wasn't a throw," Eric said.

"Sorry it slipped," Rob mumbled.

"Well then you should go get it," Eric said. Everyone stopped throwing staring at Eric, "Did I say stop," he yelled. Everyone resumed. I didn't knowing I didn't want to accidentally hit him. Eric noticed this and took advantage.

"Well Eaton why aren't you throwing," he asked.

"Because I'm not going to have my knife have the possibility of stabbing someone how doesn't deserve it," I explain. I can see my father out of the corner of my eye watching me.

"Well if he's not Dauntless enough that's his problem not yours continue throwing," he said turning away from me.

"It's not Dauntless to do something stupid," I say. Eric stops and turns around with determination on his face.

"What," he asks through clenched teeth.

"It's stupid to put yourself in blatant danger where you know your going to get hurt that's not Dauntless, that's stupidity," I say, "just as stupid as drinking near the Chasm." Eric's face turns red remembering the time when he fell of the chasm while he was drunk. luckily he grabbed the side of the cave before he fell and died.

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