Chapter 2

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"Your so beautiful," says Conner. I smile and feel tears of joy coming, we decided to skip school today with tomorrow being the aptitude test its our last day of everything being the normal and we wanted to be together. We are currently sitting under the chasm we've been here all day just talking kissing and laughing, with more kissing.

"You know my mom told me this was where her and my dad shared their first kiss during Dauntless intuition," I say, he looks at me and smiles and then presses his lips against mine and we kiss passionately. We cling to each other like were trying to mold into one being instead of two. Finally I break the kiss because I can't breathe. We both just smile like idiots and Conner pulls me into him, while laying back onto the rocks. I snuggle into him and breathe in his amazing smell. Its like sweat and sweetness, I don't why but I love the scent and fell safe when I smell it. I sigh into his chest realizing its getting late by not hearing anyone in the pit. He kisses the top of my head knowing we'll have to go home soon.

"We should probably get going," he says. I sigh and nod, then we stand up and climb out of the chasm. We start walking towards our apartments. His arrives first and I turn to face him. "I can walk you home and come back," he offers. I consider it but I know if my dad sees him he'll rip his head off.

"No I'll be fine," I say Kissing his cheek. He nods and lifts my chin and kisses me. I kiss back and then he breaks away and pulls me into a hug.

"I'll love you no matter what happens," he smiles. I feel the hot tears coming but I fight them.

"I'm going to choose Dauntless," I say, "But I'll always love you more."

"Impossible," he says. I smile and press one more kiss to his mouth before he goes inside and I take a deep breath knowing that I have to face my family when I get home, well mostly my dad. I walk down the hall to my door and listen to see if I can hear anything inside. I can't hear anything so I sneak in and start to walk towards my door.

"Taylor Marie Eaton!" I stop dead in my tracks as my dads voice echos in the house. I turn around slowly to see my dad who has a look of anger, relief, and sadness. Which makes since after what happened today.  I'm about to answer when he runs over and wraps me in his arms and kisses the top of my head. He pulls back and I see a look of sadness cross his face but then the anger comes. "You have a lot to explain," he says and I nod sitting down on the couch. My dad sits in the love sofa next to the couch. Then my mom and Toby come out and my mom runs over and hugs and kisses me sitting in the love sofa next to dad and Toby came over and sat down next to me hugging me. He gives me a nervous look. "First of all I want to know why you weren't at school today," My dad says with smoke coming out of his ears. I just shrug not really sure what to say because I really don't have an explanation other than that I wanted to be with Conner and if I said that he'd flip. He just shakes his head and mom whispers something in his ear. 

"Honey were not trying to be mean we were just worried," says mom and I look at her and laugh she just looks shocked and my dad looks at me with the same expression. 

"You don't need to feel bad it was my choice, I have no explanation. Its my fault not yours, and you shouldn't feel guilty, I should and I do because I shouldn't have worried you like that, I'm sorry and I won't ever do it again." I say. They look at me with stunned expressions then my dad laughs and my mom smiles. 

"Okay we trust you Tay you just really scared us thank you for being so responsible," says my dad. Wow I was not expecting that!  "Okay but we do need to discuss something eles with you guys," My dad said in a more serious tone,"tomorrow are your tests, don't be nervous and just tell us if anything werid happens." 

"Like what?" I ask. My mom looks at my dad, I swaer they can read each others minds. 

"Nothing just know you can talk to us about anything," says my mom. Me and Toby nod he looks at me and I know that he knows there hinding something I give him the 'I know' look, I guess this is what my parents do too ha. "Well you too should get some rest." my mom says. Me and Toby nod and get up. My parents hug us and walk to there rooms holding hands leaving me and Toby. I turn to him and hug him. Then we go our seperate ways, as I walk into my room I sit down and think this is going to be a long night. 

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