Chaptet 10

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"Taylor," gasped Conner. I stare at the bored and the number across from my name doesn't feel real. How could I out of all people get ranked 2nd for the first stage of training.






It's kept going but I couldn't read anymore I was to full of shock. Somewhere I heard Rob 6th, and Danny 8th. But the one that really caught my attention was Sammie's crying.

She had gotten 14th. Below the line.

I pushed aside the shock and wrapped Sammie in my arms. She cried and cried. Finally everyone left except for Conner and Danny. In the last few days I had noticed how Danny and Sammie had been holding hands and hugging a lot. And then it hit me, they were dating.

"Sammie," I say, "listen to me. In a few minutes someone will come in here and take you out of Dauntless. I want you to wait by the tracks outside. I will be there I will take you somewhere safe."

She looked at me and nodded and just like I predicted my dad walked in and toke Sammie out of Dauntless.

As soon as Sammie was out of the room Danny burst into tears. I ran over and hugged him. "Conner go outside and wait with Sammie I'll be there in a sec," I say and he nods.

After he leaves the room I have Danny lie down and I put his head in my lap. I rub circles on his back and comfort him until his breathing becomes even and you can hear little snores.

I slip out from under him and out the door down to the tracks. When I get the I see Conner sitting on the steps talking to Sammie. When Sammie sees me she stands up and runs to me. She engulfs me in a hug. "Hey you can't cry right now okay I have somewhere safe I'm going to take you," I say.

She nods and then we all sit and wait for the train. When we see it coming we jump up and run and jump on. Once were inside we become silent. "Alright we have to jump," I say. We all get in position and jump off. When we land you can see the back of Abnegation to your far left and Erudite's glass building off in the distance on the right.

"Why are we in the factionless sector," asks Conner.

"I know someone who can help us," I say. I lead them back through alleyways up to a storage building. I knock on the door, Edward opens it.

"Eaton, what are you doing here," he asks.

"I need your guys help," I say.

"Come on," he says pulling us in the building. He walks us over to the back of the building, "she's in there." I nod and grab Sammie and Conners hands.

"What are we doing," asks Sammie.

"I am helping you," I say. We walk back into a room where she sits.

"Taylor is that you," she asks.

"Yes, Evelyn it's me," I say.

"What happened why are you here," she asks.

"My friend has been cut out of Dauntless and needs a home, can you please make sure she's safe," I ask.

"Of course," she says.

"Sammie this is my grandmother Evelyn. Evelyn this is my friend Sammie," I say.

"Hello Sammie, and welcome to the factionless headquarters," says Evelyn.

"We have to go Sammie but Evelyn and Edward will look after you and make sure your safe," I say and wrap her in a hug, "I'll come visit after intuition." She nods tears in her eyes. "It's gonna be okay," I say. She nods and I turn to leave.

"Hey Tay," she says.

"Yeah," i ask.

"Go win intuition for me," she says.

"I will," I say, "I promise."


And there you go Chapter 10 what did u think of Taylor's rank and about Sammie leaving and Evelyn. Can you say plot twist. Anyways hope you liked it sorry it's short any way don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and SHARE!!!!!!!

Stay Factionless

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