Taco bell...date? //Chapter 3

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Your POV

It was a Sunday afternoon and I was doing my homework. Maths. Ugh. I got stuck on this very hard question and couldn't focus properly. As if on cue, I got a text from someone, Tyler. I smiled and picked up my phone that sat on my bed next to me.

Tyler 😈: Heyyyy y/nnnn
You: heyyyy Tylerrrr
Tyler 😈: hey, don't mock me
You: hEy DonT MocK mE
Tyler 😈: OMG stopppp
You: noooooo
Tyler 😈: anyway...I was gonna ask if you'd like to come with me to Taco Bell
You: awe I'd love to but I can't I have maths homework
Tyler 😈: ugh stupid maths. Why does it have to exist?!
You: idk
Tyler 😈: can you do it another day?
You: idk Tyler
Tyler 😈: pleeeeease
You: maybe
Tyler 😈: pretty please
You: okay fine
Tyler 😈: awesome! I'll come over in about 10 minutes
You: okie byeeee
Tyler 😈: cya :)

I smiled and put my phone down. I already looked half decent so I guess i can just wear what I'm wearing right now. I brushed my hair until it was all smooth and popped my phone into my pocket of my black skinny jeans.
"Mum I'm going out with a friend. I'll be back soon" I say as I walk into the kitchen where my mother was. "Oooohhhh is this your new boyfriend?" She jumped up excitedly. "What?!" I shouted. "No he's just a friend!" She looked at me as of to say "oh come on, I know your lying"
"Mum, no" I said sternly. She smiled as a knock on the door echoed throughout the house. I looked down the hall then back to my mum. "Okay mum he is literally just a friend. I have to go" I said quickly and walked down the hallway towards the front door.

I opened the door as soon as I heard a knock and saw Tyler standing there happily. "Hey y/n!" He said joyfully. "Hey Tyler" I replied. "Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and we made our way to Tyler's car. It was a black jeep sitting right near the edge of the gutter of the road.
"Wow this is amazing!" I said as I gripped the passenger door handle. "Thanks" he chuckled and hopped in. I opened the door and hopped in as well.

The car ride was quite silent other than the small awkward conversations Tyler would bring up.

We got to Taco Bell and hopped out almost as if we both knew when the other was going to get out.
We walked through the doors to the large Taco Bell and found a seat right away. "You sit, I'll go order" Tyler said and pulled out his wallet. I nodded and sat down at the table.

As I looked around, I realised the restaurant didn't have many people in it. There was an older couple near the back, holding each others hands across the table as if something terrible had happened and a small family out at the seats outside the shop.

After about 10 minutes, Tyler came back with a tray of food and drinks. He had a small frown plastered across his face. I wonder what could be wrong?

Tyler set then tray down as he sat down. He looked up at me while grabbing a taco from the tray.
"Hey?" I said, grabbing a soda."yeah?" He took a bite out of the taco. "Are you okay?" I asked. He looked down the back up at me. "Mm yeah I'm fine" he pushing in a bit of mp ref that had failed to get inside of his mouth (that felt weird to write 😂). "Are you sure?" I pressed on. "Yeah I'm all good" he smiled. I knew it wasn't a real smile due to the his eyes not crinkling up in the corners.
"Okay" I grinned and took a taco from the tray.

*time skipppp*

After we finished our food, we decided to go to Tyler's house. I only met him about a week ago and I've never met his family before so this should be fun.

Tyler walked over to my side of the car and opened the door. "Why thank you quite good gentleman" I laughed and got out of the car. "Your very welcome me' lady" he chuckled and walked beside me. We walked up to the door and Tyler opened it. We both walked in and I couldn't believe my eyes. His house was gorgeous. It was mostly white and cream. Many things were white and cream until I walked into the living room. There was a black sofa, two black-framed mirrors, a black coffee table and a black feature wall. The rest was white. I have to say, the living room is my favourite room so far.

"Do you wanna go up to my-""oh! You must be one of Tyler's friends" I lady with blonde hair walked into the living room where we were. "Uhm y-yeah. I'm y/n, nice to meet you" I extended my hand and shook it with hers. She smiled, "nice to meet you too y/n, call me Kelly" she smiled. I saw her wink at Tyler and watched as he made a small 'o' with his mouth, never forgetting the small frown.

"You wanna go up to my room?" He asked. "Sure" I smiled. He grinned and took my hand which bought me by surprise. My eyes widened and I jaw dropped slightly. He led me and himself to his bedroom. The bedroom door was painted navy blue and had a sign on it saying 'Tyler's room. Keep out' I capital letters. I smiled at how cute his handwriting was.

Inside his room, there were band posters and a black cap hanging up on the wall along with a ukulele on a hook. Tyler didn't look like one of those kids that would play an instrument but I didn't judge him.

"So y/n, what do you wanna do?" He asked as he plopped on his bed and crossed his legs. He motioned for me to sit down on his desk chair and I accepted. While I say down I answered, "ummmm do you have any video games? We could play some since I see you have a play station" I pointed towards the small flat screen TV across the room. He smiled, "yeah I do! What game do you wanna play?" He jumped up and walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a big case of video games. "Uhh" I murmured while hovering my finger over the games. "OOHH! Let's play Mario Kart!" I pulled out the game and gave it to Tyler. He grinned and threw his arms up in the air with the game in his hand. "Yeah!"

*Time skippy*

Tyler and I played Mario kart for ages. We played it for so long that we lost track of time. When I looked out the window, all I saw was pitch black.

"Oh my gosh, Tyler! It's dark already" I pointed to the window, making him turn his attention away from the tv and towards the window. "Oh wow I had no idea" he said, putting his hands behind his head and stretching. I had a feeling that he did it on purpose but I didn't say anything. All I did was look down and blush lightly.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked as he stood up. I nodded viciously, "yeah I'm fine" I said replacing my blush with a sweet smile. "Good" he grinned. "Whats the time?" I asked, standing up and stretching. "Uh it's..." He paused and looked at his phone. "9:17pm" he finished. My eyes widened and I smiled slightly. I don't know why I did that.

"Hey! Here's a crazy idea!" Tyler shouted, making me jump. "What if...what if you stayed the night?" He suggested. "I mean, it's late and I don't want you walking all the back to your house by yourself" I saw him fidget with his hands. He is right. It is dark and I hate walking in the dark by myself...


This chapter is a bit longer hope you enjoyed :D

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