Wrong place, wrong time //chapter 5

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Tyler's POV

I love y/n. I've been with her for about three weeks now and I officially love her. She's so nice, polite, funny and gorgeous. I bet she doesn't even know. She is so happy all the time whereas I'm depressed. She doesn't know that I have depression and anxiety because I'm afraid of losing her due to her not liking it but I know she is a nice, understanding girl who would help me.
It is Friday. One more day till the weekend. YAY! I hate school. The only good thing about it is that I get to see y/n.

"Tyler!" I hear a familiar voice call my name from around the corner of the school hallway. I flick my head around and see my beautiful girlfriend walking up to me, happily. "Hey love, why are you so happy?" I ask, grabbing hold of her hand and walking out to the cafeteria. "I have no homework" she says joyfully. I frown, "lucky. I have history and Art" I pretend sulk. She hits my shoulder playfully. "Oh stop, your good at all those subjects. It should be easy!" I smile at how she could make me feel so confident in less then 10 seconds.

We walk into the cafeteria and see that it is full of people. After we get our lunch, we walk around looking for a empty table. "Tyler!" I hear a voice yell across the room. I turn around and see Josh waving towards us. We walk over and sit down across from Josh.

"So how have you guys been?" Josh looks at y/n. I see a fire in his eye. He's mad. "Hey buddy...what's wrong?" I asked, totally ignoring the question that Josh asked. "What? Nothing" he gave y/n a death glare. "Hey, can I talk to you out there?" I asked, pointing towards the door that led to outside. He didn't say anything. He just stood up and started walking over to the door.

Once we were outside, I shot Josh a dirty look. "What was that!?" I asked firmly. "What was what?" Josh leant against the wall and put his foot against it making him look 'cool'.
"Okay there is clearly something wrong, tell me!" anger started boiling up inside me. "Okay, you wanna know what's wrong!?" He stood up straight and towered over me. "...yes I do"I said quietly.
"your 'girlfriend' in there has been hogging you all this time. You and I barley hang out anymore!" He said angrily. "Like, when was the last time we hung out? Two weeks ago?" He shook his head from frustration. "Josh...we hung out yesterday" I said quietly. A wash of realisation washed over Josh's facial expression. I raised my eyebrows and tilted my head. "W-well you guys are just...just... I don't like y/n. She needs to go away and get another boyfriend. Like, someone like her should not be dating you. Your too good for her. She doesn't deserve y-""shut the fuck up right now!" I shouted.

A minute of silence spread throughout the air as i watched Josh's eyes dart towards something behind me. His mouth made a tiny 'o' shape. I spun around on my heels and saw someone who was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Y/n stood there, shocked and speechless. "Y/n! Oh my god..." I said, looking at her e/c eyes deeply. I started walking over to her slowly but she ran. She ran away down the hall and I could tell she was crying.
"JOSH YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" I shouted and ran off down the hall, looking for y/n.

I walked out the school building and looked around but she was nowhere to be seen. I looked around the corner of the building and saw y/n sitting on the floor against the wall with her beautiful knees brought to her chest.

"Y/n!" I shouted. She turned her head towards me and looked right away. She started to get up but miserably failed. "Y/n, please, stay" I walked over to her and gripped her wrist lightly. She stood up and flicked her arm back. "Fuck off Tyler" I heard her mutter under her breath. She sighed and strode away angrily. I decided to leave her be. She needed a break. She needed some time alone.

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