Party//chapter 7

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Your POV

That whole day I waited for a reply from mum but never got one so I ignored it and got ready for the party. I got changed in a plain white shirt, blue jean shorts and a red flannel shirt tied around my waist. I didn't have those ugly short shorts because that would make me look like a weirdo so I got shorts that aren't to short and aren't to long. I put on a very small amount of makeup and then grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket.

I walked to the living room and found Ruby playing with her dolls. "Hey do you want to go to Mavis's house tonight?" I asked her. Mavis was her favourite babysitter ever. Mavis was a sweet old lady that we've known for so many years. She even use to babysit me.
"Yes! Am I staying there the night?" She jumped up and ran to her room. "Uh yeah if you want" she packed everything that she needed and wanted for the night.

While she did that, I rang up Mavis and she said it was alright for Ruby to stay there for the night. "Ready to go?" I asked as I walked in Ruby's room. "Yep! Let's go" Ruby looked so excited. She literally grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house. Because I didn't have a car yet, I took mums car which end seemed to still be here. I buckled Ruby in and hopped in the drivers seat.

Once I dropped off Ruby, I headed off to Jessie's house. I felt slightly nervous and I didn't know why. Soon, I spotted Jessie's house and slowed down. I could barely find a parking spot as there were a lot of cars already there. I thought Jessie said there wouldn't be lots of people until 9pm?

I finally manage to find a parking spot and pull over. I felt my heart skip a million beats (not literally gosh). I felt really nervous. I think I was just scared of seeing Tyler and Josh because I haven't seen them in awhile. The last thing I heard from Josh was that I need to go away and he said horrible things about me. I'm overthinking everything...shit.

I get myself together and play with my hair until it's in an alright-looking bun. I hop out of the car and walk towards the front door. I see a group of boys on the front lawn already looking drunk. They were stumbling and shouting at me, saying random crap. I ignore them and make it to the front door, already hearing music.

I walk in without knocking because there is no use trying to knock when no one is going to hear me. When I open the door, the scent of alcohol hits me right in my nostrils. People are everywhere and music is crazily loud. The lighting makes it feel more crowded as its dark and deep.

"Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. I looked around and saw Jessie walking towards me. "Hey girl thank you so much for coming. I'm so happy you're here" she hugged me. "It's okay. I kinda missed you" I hugged her back. "Aww I missed you too. I know this isn't really a good question to ask really that now but...why weren't you at school this week?" She asks. Did I want to tell her?

"I-uh don't worry it's fine" I smile. "Are you sure?" She tilts her head with a serious face. "Yes I'm fine" I reassure. "well if you ever need-""I know Jess thank you" I grin. She laughs and walks away to the living room where the speakers are a lot louder. I walk off into the kitchen to get myself a drink of water. I thought people would think I'm lame for not drinking alcohol so I put it in a red plastic cup to make it look like it was a proper drink.
The kitchen was crowded so I went outside and to the backyard. There were some people hanging out there but I didn't mind. I walked over to the bench near the pool and sat down, taking a few sips of my drink.
Just as I was feeling calm and relaxed, I spotted him. Josh. If Josh was here, there was no doubt that Tyler would be here too. I wasn't mad at Tyler. I was mad at Josh. But the thing is, if they talked about me then, then they might've talked bad about me before and I would have had no idea.

As I looked around for Tyler, I felt a pair of eyes on me. I looked to my left and saw Josh standing there, a drink in his hand. "Hey" he said. He looked nervous. I nodded towards him in response. "Are you okay?" He asked. Is he stupid? Of course I'm not okay. "Yep" I said quickly, looking elsewhere and taking a sip of my drink. "Look," Josh started as he sat down next to me. I shuffled a bit, uncomfortably. "I didn't mean what I said the other day. I guess I got a bit jealous because Tyler had gotten a girlfriend and I hadn't. I'm very sorry" he finished.

It took me a second to process what he said. "It's okay Josh. You don't need to be jealous of that though" I laugh. "Have you seen the way the girls look at you at school?" I shoved his shoulder lightly while giggling. That caused him to smile and look down at his feet. "Come on, let's go inside. It's cold out here" I stood up and held my hands out for him. He grabbed my hands and stood up. We walked around the pool and inside the house. Half way there, I let go of Josh's hands just in case people assumed that we might've been...a thing.

Once we got in the living room, I found Jessie...making out with a guy over in the corner near the huge speakers. I cringed and walked off into the kitchen to fill up my cup. Josh trailed behind me and filled his cup up with alcohol. I turned around to sit on the counter but instead I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry! Are you ok-""y/n?" I looked up to the person who was wearing all black. "Tyler oh my god" I whispered. I hugged him tightly and he did the same. "Aw that's so cute" I heard Josh comment. I felt happy for once this week.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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