Chapter 6

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I got to Lexi's right on time and Julie her best friend answered and let me in. Then she said. "Lexi will be right down" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lexi come down the stairs. She looks amazing I have no words at all, I'm speechless. I met her golden/brown eyes which really stood out from the makeup she had on. I part my lips but nothing comes out. When she smiles I get goosebumps by how beautiful she is when she smiles. It makes me so happy when I think that I am the one that makes her smile. It's silent for a moment until Lexi speaks up. " Hey Harry." "Wow you look so beautiful." I say before I can stop myself. " Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." she says while slightly blushing. I smile and say, " We should go we have 7 o'clock reservations." " Ok let's go" she says while waving goodbye to her friends. I open the door for her and we go to my car and I open her door and walk over to my side, get in and drive off. "Harry where are we going?" She asks as we turn out of our development. I answer "Seven Hills it's an Italian restaurant." She smiles and says "That sounds lovely." The car ride isn't very long. When we arrive I get out, run to her side of the car and open the door. She gets out and says, "Thank you." I grab her hand and reply, "No problem." She intertwines our fingers as we walk into the restaurant.


I decide to intertwine our fingers since he grabbed my hand. We walk into the very fancy looking restaurant and the lady at the front desk says, " What's the name?" Harry answers, " Styles."

She smiles and says, " Right this way Mr. Styles." She leads us to the back of the restaurant, to what looks like a private room. When she exits I say, "Oh my gosh! Harry you didn't have to get us a private room!" He smiles and says, " I know, but I really like you and I wanted to ask you something important tonight." I smile and ask, " what is it?" He looks at me with those beautiful emerald eyes and says, " I know we've only known each other for a week and have only been on a couple dates but I want to ask you to officially be my girlfriend?" I blush at the question and think to myself. Wow Harry being my boyfriend? It would take a little time to get used to but it's definitely something I could get used to. So I say, " I would love to!" and I'm about to kiss him when the waitress comes in and says, "What can I get you to dr-..... Oh I'm sorry!" Harry and I look at each other and then I say, " It's fine. I'll have water please." She writes it down on her pad and then asks, " And for you sir?" Then Harry answers, " I'll have water also." She says thank you to us and then exits the room. We take our seats and look through the menus until I ask, " So what are you going to get?" He answers, " I'm going to get the Chicken Parm. What about you?" " I think I'm going to get that also." I answer. Then the waitress comes back in and takes our orders then leaves again. I then ask Harry more questions about himself since we still have things to learn about each other. I start by asking," So what made you want to go to school for music? Specifically singing?" " Well I grew up listening to music and my sister Gemma used to play the piano so we would put on shows for our family. As I got older my love for music just kept growing. How about you? What made you want to sing and dance?" He asks and I answer " Well my mom loves to sing and she would sing to me when I was younger, she has a beautiful voice. When she was my age there weren't as many opportunities as there are today for me. I have decided to take advantage of those opportunities and pursue a career in it unlike my mom who wasn't able to. As far as dancing goes that's just something I started doing at a young age and have loved doing since then." " That's awesome! You deserve to have these opportunities you have a great voice. I haven't seen you dance, but I'm sure you are good at that too." He says. I am thinking of another question to ask...... hmmmmm..." So what do your parents do?" " My mom is a landscaper and my dad is a doctor. How about your parents?" He says then I answer. " My dad is a businessman, he helps manage a couple different companies, and my mom is an interior designer." Then our food arrives and we thank the waitress. During the meal we laugh a little and joke around, he makes me so happy. I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. When we finish our meals we leave shortly after, we walk out hand in hand. We get to my house and I can see that Julie and Roxy took my offer to stay the night since Julie's car is still in my driveway. Before I get out Harry kisses me on the cheek and says, " I had a great time Lexi, I'll talk to you later. Goodnight babe." I blush at the pet name. " I had a great time too, goodnight Harry." and then I shut the door, wave and he drives off. I walk into my house to see two eager looking girls smiling at me. I say, "Let's go upstairs and I'll give you details." They both get off the couch and follow me to my room, I lock my door behind them and we all sit on my bed.   

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