Chapter 16

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I don't think I have ever been so happy to see them. "You came" I say as I feel a tear slide down my face. I am so glad they are hear. "Come in" I say and they walk into the house. "We are ready to hear what you have to say." I am so relieved when I hear those words come out of her mouth. "Well when I was done singing I went backstage to get my stuff before I went to go find you guys. He was just there and he said that he was there to get me back. That's when he kissed me." I say still in tears and Julie's expression still hasn't changed. She finally speaks up. "Why were you kissing him back?" She asks. "I wasn't I tried to push him off but he was too strong so I just gave up." I answer then she says, "Why would you give up if you like Harry so much?" I am taken off guard by her question. Is she implying that I wanted to kiss him? "I don't know ok? It seemed like no use he wasn't going to stop." I say basically yelling at her. "Well I think that if you liked Harry like you said you did you would have tried harder." I get so furious by what she is saying. I hear the front door but I am assuming it is just my mom since she left to get groceries."I don't understand how you think I would do that after everything he did. It honestly hurts that you think I would do that." I say still yelling. They roll their eyes and I continue. "Why would I hurt Harry like that?" "Well I don't know but stop bothering Harry he told us you have texted him like everyday. I don't think he is ready to hear you out give him time. I take a breath at about what I'm about to say to them. "Well I won't stop bothering him you want to know why?" Julie says, "yes because to be honest you are getting really relentless and annoying." "You don't give up on the people you love." I say, my voice still raised and their mouths fall agape. It is silent before I hear "Wow" come from someone behind me. I immediately become flushed at the sound of the familiar raspy voice. It was Harry. He heard everything. I turn around and he is smiling. I am about to say something when he says, "I love you too." I smile and run to him. I start crying just because of how happy I am that he is here. I hear Julie say, "I think we'll go now I'll talk to you later." Then her and Roxy leave. "I'm so sorry Harry he just kissed me and I didn't know what to do. I tried to push him off but he was too strong I just gave up because it was useless. I figured out what his intentions were when I saw you walk away and then he pulled away. He wanted to break us up. Please forg-" I am cut off when he kisses me. He pulls away and says, "I forgive you Lexi." I am so happy when he says that. "I love you" I say. "I love you too." He says. He hugs me and it feels so good to have his arms around me again. We go to sit on the couch. I explain the whole situation to him. I kiss him again. My arms go around his neck and his go around me. I end up straddle position on his lap. We pull away and look into each other's eyes. I was about to lean back in when my phone started ringing. I get up and answer my phone. "Hello?" I say in a kind of annoyed sounding voice. "Hi honey I will be home in 10." My mom says and I say, " Ok" see you then." Then I hang up and walk back into living room where Harry is sitting. "Who was that?" He asks and I answer. "My mom she will be home 10 minutes." "I can leave if you want." He says and I immediately reply, "No stay it's fine. We can go upstairs." He nods and we go upstairs to my room. We end up just laying on my bed and watching TV. I am leaning on his chest and I can feel his heart beating. We end up watching Camp Rock. When we finish the first one it is almost 7 but we decide to watch the second one anyway. Halfway through it I start to fall asleep and am soon completely out.


So we are laying in her bed watching the Camp Rock movies. When the second ones credits are rolling I look down and notice that she is sleeping. She looks so cute when she is sleeping. I don't want to wake her up but it's almost 9 and I should probably go home. I try to get out from under her without waking her but I am unsuccessful. She says. "Where are you going?" "I should probably go home." I say and she gets a sad look on her face and says, "Please stay, my mom doesn't care." I smile and nod. I go back to laying in the bed with her and she snuggles up to me and I put my arms around her. We lay there in silence for a little bit before I realize that she is sleeping. I kiss her on the forehead and soon fall asleep myself.


I wake up and feel an arm around me. I am so glad that everything worked out and we made up. I love him and he loves me back. I want this moment to last forever. Of course right when I think that my phone rings. I quickly answer it not wanting my ring tone to wake Harry. Julie of course every time. I can't get out of Harry's grip so I say, "Hello?" in a whisper. "Oh did I wake you up?" Julie asks and I answer. "No." "Ok and why are you whispering?" She asks and I reply, "Harry is still sleeping that's why I'm whispering." I hear her dramatically gasp and then say, "Oh my gosh he stayed over. OMG! Give me details later." I laugh and say, "Calm down, nothing happened." "Ugh you're boring." She says and I reply. "Oh shut up Julie." "Well did you want something to happen?" I think a second before I answer. "I don't know we've hardly been dating for 2 months." In that moment I realize that our two month anniversary was on Tuesday and we weren't even talking because Jake screwed everything up. "I have to go!" I say and she says, "Ok love you." I don't even say love you too before I hang up. I escape Harry's grip and run down stairs. I need a plan.

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