Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry’s P.O.V.

“You did what?!” exclaimed Liam. His eyes gleamed with a cross between anger and worry.

“Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve seen her. I thought she could come out and see us.” I proclaimed. Honestly, I missed Jaycee. Even though I babysat her, she became my best friend as we got older. I remember a lot of things we did together.

I remember when she met the boy’s last year.

“Boys, this is Jaycee. I used to baby sit her when I was fourteen.” I said.

“HELLO JAYCEE!” the boys yelled. Niall ran up to her and hugged her. The others did the same.

“Hi guys. I really like you guys’ music. It’s really good.” She replied.

“Thanks,” we all said in unison.

I knew they would all get on well with Jayc. 

“Hazza’s right, Liam. It would be a good time to catch up with her. It’s been a year since we’ve last seen her.” explained Louis. He really liked Jaycee’s company. I’m not sure if he fancies her or not though.

“I agree with Louis, man. It’s totally true.” Niall agreed.

Zayn looked up from his magazine. “I understand where Liam is coming from. He doesn’t want paparazzi to think the wrong things when we’re with her. I mean, don’t get me wrong, she an amazing girl. What about all the hate she would get? Look at all the crap Dani, El, and Perrie get. We don’t want her to get the same.” Zayn explained.

“Exactly.” Liam finished.

Ugh. Why does it seem like Zayn can read Liam’s mind? I get what he’s saying, but I know Jaycee well enough to know harsh comments don’t phase her. Believe me; we used to fight all the time. 

“Well, if ANYONE sends her hate, a carrot will be shoved up their ass.” Louis said in a flat tone. We all busted out laughing.

“Please, Liam! Please, please, please, PLEASE!” Niall, Louis, and I begged. It’s three against two. We got this.

“Oh, alright. We can give it a try. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Liam sighed.

“YES!” all three of us screamed. We high-fived each other. I couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow. What had amazed me the most is how she kept it from everyone. She is a shy girl, though. I guess she thought no one would believe her, and would call her a liar. 

I wouldn’t have to fly her out if she wouldn’t have moved to Dublin. Her dad received a job offer way better than his old job. She used to be able to come over all the time when she lived in London. She was devastated when she found out she had to move. I told her she could come anytime she wanted. That was when she was 13. It was also when I tried out for X Factor. She wished me luck, and it worked. Just not the way I thought though. I missed her during X Factor. I never really told her how I felt about her. She probably doesn’t feel the same about me though.


I hope you guys are loving it! I write EVERDAY. I post it at 4 P.M.(Central Time).

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