Chapter One

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===== CHAPTER 1 =====


It was after the Kids’ Choice Awards and Ariana was having a party. Of course, everyone was invited, Zoey too. It was weird, I couldn’t take her but at the same time I could. It really depended what side of the bed I woke up on that morning. I’ve been trying to be a good friend to Avan but the best way to do that was to avoid him- so I tried my best.

I heard he was taking Zoey to the Bully movie premiere and this year’s KCA. It made me sort of lonely, y’know? We used to take each other to these premieres. He had her over for the Holidays and his birthday. I decided to skip out on both even though he asked me to come. I just told him I was busy with photo shoots, signings and charity cases- which weren’t actually lies. Though, I would’ve rescheduled in a heartbeat to spend some time with my best friend (if he wasn’t with his new.. girlfriend).

I stood against a wall at Ari’s house, just looking into the kitchen. This is a pretty nice house.

“There you are!” I sighed when I heard that voice. “I’ve been looking for you all over, you sort of disappeared after the show. So great we actually got a blimp this year, right? It’s crazy!” He exclaimed. He was obviously more ecstatic than I.

I smiled to myself reliving the moment. “Yeah, pretty crazy.” I was so excited, and just couldn’t shut up. I started feeling jittery again just remembering. I should have probably said something better than a “me, me, me” type of thing but I just wasn’t thinking straight. It was the first time in a long time since I felt really excited about something.

Avan put his arm around me and it reminded me of that weird head kiss earlier. It’s been a while since he’s done that, I missed it.

“What’s wrong, why the frown?” He asked, leaning on the wall too. I sort of didn’t want to answer; it was great actually to finally have alone time- granted, I could’ve been in a better mood but thank you life forces of the universe: I will use this time wisely.

I took a deep breath and looked at him; this time I didn’t fake the smiles.

“It’s like you’re never here anymore,” I said. He looked at me and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What’re you talking about?” His tone changed, and he wasn’t the excited “Congrats Victorious Cast” Avan anymore. I wasn’t sure where this conversation was going to go.

“You and Zoey are just always together, there’s no time for us to be like we used to.” I pursed my lips and looked at him. He didn’t say anything. Then he stood up straight.

“There’s always time for my best girl, Vic. I’m just in a relationship now and you know how long it’s been. I’m just happy and spending a lot of time with her- I invite you all the time though. I feel like you’re the one whose never around, am I wrong?” He told me honestly.

He was just being honest. That’s what I loved about him but right now, I really didn’t want to hear it. I closed my eyes and admitted, “Yes, I’ve been avoiding you.” He looked like a mix of mad & disappointed underneath a mane of nice hair when I opened my eyes again.

This is DEFINITELY not how I wanted this to go.

“You can’t keep avoiding me. We work together, we’re best friends,” he told me. We both looked away from each other. I hated this. He turned to me and just asked one thing that made my heart sink even more. “Why can’t you just be happy for me? You’re supposed to be..”

I looked at him in disbelief. “I am happy for you, you, you- ugh! Avan, we never talk anymore. We never see each other anymore and I can’t keep doing this,” I snapped. He looked a bit taken back, I never treated him that way. I just couldn’t help it.

“So, you’re going to throw away a 5 year friendship? Really now?” He asked me.

“I can’t even talk to you without her getting mad. AND, she only gets mad about ME. Liz and Ari get along SO well with her but I just can’t. How am I supposed to-” I tried to turn away and just leave then he interrupted me and put his hand beside my head on the wall. He held his weight up and leaned closer into me.

I hateeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu. This was mentally exhausting.

“Victoria, please,” he almost whispered. Don’t do it, you need your own time. I wanted to forgive him and throw myself onto him but I had to tell myself otherwise. I just looked away.


She wasn’t answering me. I didn’t know what to say.. She was right though- I did spend all the time I had with Zoey and I didn’t think about how awkward it might’ve been for Vic. We have a touchy, close friendship and just stopping all of that out of nowhere for a new girl might’ve made her feel upset.

Actually, who am I kidding- she’s pissed.

“Maybe we can work something out” I suggested. She’s understanding, I know she’ll just give it a chance.

“You want to be happy..” she started and I listened really carefully, “I want you to be happy too. That’s why I’m doing this.” She tried to walk away from me again. I got so frustrated, I wanted to rip my hair out but instead I ran my hand down my face.

“You’re fuckin’ ridiculous,” I mumbled. It was too late to take back what I said. I know she said a couple of things too but I was really good at keeping my composure. I sighed and tried my best not to punch the wall. Fucking girls.

It was quiet for a moment and for that moment, I really hated all of this. It was just so complicated and I couldn’t piece together why. I couldn’t piece up a solution to make my girlfriend and my best friend get along.

“Heeeeeeeey, I want in on this side of the partyyyy,” Ariana came out of nowhere. Worst timing, wait- Victoria’s trying to run again.

“I’m just gonna grab a drink” she smiled and adjusted her pink jacket. Blazer? Jacket? Blazer? Wait-

“I’ll go with you,” I said as quickly as I could as I reached for her arm but then Zoey turned up.

“I saw you guys with Victoria, I just couldn’t help but wonder what’s so interesting over here. Embarrassing stories, maybe?” She joked and leaned into my shoulder. I forced a smile for Zoe and looked at Vic. She forced a smile too before walking away. I just felt so stressed out.. I had no idea Vic’s been feeling like this and I was too busy to see it. I could’ve at least been a better friend and maybe it wouldn’t have turned out this way.


Victoria walked away as Zoey weaved her way into Avan’s hold. He looked hurt and watched her pour herself a drink before stepping outside. Sensing some kind of awkward vibe, Ariana urged Avan and Zoey to step deeper into her house to give Victoria some space.



I was drinking a cup of soda and ran into Elizabeth. I wasn’t sure what to talk about so I brought up the awards but she saw right through me. Was I that miserable looking tonight?

“What’s got you so down, boo?” she asked me. I appreciated the sympathy but I didn’t think I should tell anyone. It WAS a private thing between Avan and I. She sat next to me on the ground and I brought myself down with her. I shook my head, insisting it was nothing. Liz is smart though; she refused to believe that. “If you don’t want to tell me, it’s fine. You should at least talk to someone about whatever’s bothering you- did you try Avan?” She smiled.

I know she was just trying to be helpful but it really didn’t help me any.

“I did..” She looked at me questioningly and at that moment, I decided not to fight it. “I think, I still like him and now it’s too late,” I admitted it finally to myself and in this case, Liz. She didn’t look surprised and instead, shrugged.

“Not really,” she said in a nonchalant tone. I looked up at her, confused before picking myself and my drink up.

“What do you mean?” I asked hopefully.

Any advice would do, any opinion would be great.

I felt desperate.

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