Chapter Sixteen

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===== CHAPTER 16 =====

"Why? Why can't we just talk?" Zoey's voice was ringing in high pitched whines. Avan paced his room and he watched Victoria from the corner of his eyes with his phone plastered onto his ear. He watched her laying on her back, too busy listening to the music on her phone through her earphones.

She was waiting for him to finish his phone call and had thought he was speaking with his agent.

"I told you. Let's just please talk when you get back." Avan had his back to Victoria. Hanging up on yet another stressful call with Zoey, he shoved his phone into his pocket. It was impossible and hard to have her understand that he needed time.

The whole day went by. Shooting & rehearsing was very much done and Avan promised Victoria some frozen yogurt and a movie at her place. "Are we going yet?" Vic asked curiously, putting her phone down on her stomach.

She was tired from the long day at work and really just wanted to hang out. A knock interrupted the two from talking any further.

"Come in," they both answered in unison.

The door knob moved slightly and seemed to be stuck. "It's.. it's locked!" Daniella's voice shrieked from outside. Victoria laughed and jumped up, reaching for the lock.

"Try again!" she shouted to her before Daniella made her way in.

"What's you two up to?" she asked not too long before taking her seat in a chair. She rested her brown purse on the table and crossed her legs.

"Uh.. nothing?" Avan replied unsure, glancing over at Victoria before back at Dani. "Did you need something?"

She shook her head and her soft curled hair shook with the same motion. "No, no! I just wanted to see what you guys were up to," she said quickly before taking a sip of her lemon flavored water. Victoria shifted her eyebrow and pursed her lips together in suspicion.

"How are you guys doing?" Daniella then asked, now leaning forward. The two were confused. More than confused actually-- completely dumbfounded by her sudden interest. Why did she care so much to see what was going on? Victoria started to worry about Liz telling the other cast members about her feelings towards Avan.

She looked over at him and awaited his answer.

"We're good. I was about to take Vicky-dear to some frozen yogurt and we were just going to hang out later," he answered. Daniella reacted as if on cue, leaping up from her seat on her heels and grabbing her bag.

"I'm sorry to interrupt! You two go have your fun then!" She laughed to herself and it really did seem odd. She was unusually perky and different. They thought she might have gotten a few cups of coffee in before ending the night.

"So.. we're not filming late tonight, are we?" Avan confirmed.

"No, sir. Why?"

"Just askin'. Dani is really bouncing off the roof; she must have the wrong filming schedule," he laughed and shook his head. Reaching his hand out to her, he pulled her up from her sitting form on his dressing room sofa.

"FroYo?" Victoria smiled eagerly as he nodded.

"Which one you wanna go to?" They left his room and headed on out.

Daniella sat in the distance with Leon & Matt. "No, they seemed fine," Daniella smiled. Leon was skeptical and knew that Avan not only spent his time acting on screen but he'd do anything to keep Victoria feeling alright.

"I don't know, I feel like something is up with Avan. At least, that's just me," Leon spoke up. Matt shrugged, really trying to get uninvolved.

"No, they were going out together to get frozen yogurt," Daniella tried to explain but Leon just shook his head.

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