Chapter Thirteen

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I usually avoid writing Author's Notes lately-- but I wanted to say a little public "hello" to one of the readers-- NinjaBrenda :) Thanks for the friendly messages & support! I really love talking to you!

If anyone else would like to message me-- please do! I enjoy reading and replying! I'm also open to story suggestions so please, tell me your stories so I can take a look! :3

===== CHAPTER 13 =====

Victoria got dressed quickly in a pair of pajama pants and an over sized t-shirt. She took the towel that she hung over Avan’s chair and put it around her neck, under her very wet hair. She started to towel dry her hair with one hand and just looked around room.

It was still pretty spacious. He had his guitars on display with their stands. Some of his hats were stacked on top of his dresser and the other half were hanging from hooks on his wall. There was a tangled mess of cables and wires on the floor behind his television stand and his bookcase didn’t look like it could grow anymore from his collection. He had a few bags tossed in a corner and Victoria decided to tidy them up by his desk.

Everything’s still … pretty much the same.

She looked up and saw a few framed pictures on his desk, mostly of him and his family. Then, she noticed one semi-thick stack of photos pinned to his cork board of post-its.

“Knock, knock,” Avan said while cautiously opening the door.

“Come in,” she replied.

“What are you looking at?”

He walked up to her side & Victoria held up her hands, “You actually kept all of these?” There was a small smile on her face fighting to come through.

Avan shrugged, “Yeah, they’re my favorite pictures of us. Haha, look at your face!” He reached for her face and she caught his hand with hers.

“What? S-st-stop! A-av-AVAAAN—” she said in between giggles. He pulled his chair out from the desk and sat down, pulling her into his lap.

“You were blushing,” he said in a soft chuckle. She pulled her damp hair around to her shoulder and they looked at the pictures together, one by one. He rested his face into the nape of her neck, listening to her talk. They laughed reminiscing foolish things they did through out the years only to be interrupted by Avan’s ringing phone and a knock at the door.

“Hello?” Avan answered his phone after running off to the living room, “Oh, yeah dude. Sure, one sec.”

Victoria got up and walked into the bathroom to drape the towel so it could dry. On her way out, she grabbed a brush and began running it through her hair. She saw Avan at the front door with it half open and his wallet in his hand.

He pulled out a few bills and handed them over to the person on the other side of the door. The smell of cheese and tomato sauce filled the air and Victoria’s mouth watered.

“Thanks again, dude!” Avan said before shutting the door behind him with a pizza box.

Victoria looked so eager and her stomach spoke for her again, “Piiiiiiiiiiiiizza….”

“Geez Louise. Let’s feed you before you wake up the neighbors,” he laughed and placed the box on the living room coffee table, in front of the television. They walked into the kitchen and grabbed cups & paper towels.

“What do you want to drink?” Victoria stared into the refrigerator, grabbing a water bottle for herself. One for me.

“Uhm, water’s probably fine,” he answered unsurely so Victoria stepped aside for him to view his options. “Ooh,” he sang like child, “Actually I’ll have one of these instead.”

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