Chapter Four

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===== CHAPTER 4 =====


“Hey guys,” I greeted everyone in the conference room. I picked up my copy of the script and headed for my seat.

“Yo, my man,” Matt threw a hand in the air. I humored him and followed through with his weird handshake.

“I didn’t get a ‘hello’ like that. All I got was a ‘Sup, Leon’,” Leon pretended to whine for Matt’s attention. I laughed and put my hand on Leon’s shoulder.

“It’s cause Avan’s got swag to the maximummm,” Matt said, demonstrating some weird kind of lean-back when he said ‘swag’ and taking off his glasses when he said ‘maximum’.

“What?” Liz laughed with Ariana, leaning into their chairs. I looked around the room and couldn’t help but notice Vic wasn’t there but her agent was.

“So, I suppose we should use this time to go over any questions in the script,” Dan said while leaning on the white board. We all looked at each other.

“Well, we just got our scripts.. We haven’t even read them yet,” Leon said. I looked through the corner of my eye and saw Vic’s agent just skimming through the material. I was a little surprised she was going this far with everything.

Dan had a thoughtful look on his face, “Oh.. you’re right. Well, then! Meeting adjourned- take your scripts and I’ll see you kiddos tomorrow!” He said with a smile on his face while grabbing his coat and leaving the room. Victoria’s agent followed after him into the elevator with the script and I turned to Leon.

“Any idea why Vic’s not here tonight?” I asked him.

“She had a signing in Ohio all day today. She gets back at 9PM, didn’t you check her Twitter?” He asked me. That was weird to hear- I felt so out of the loop with her, she never told me anything anymore. Or maybe I wasn’t around to hear it anymore.

God, this guilty conscience is riding me so hard.

I decided tomorrow morning I was definitely going to talk to her and fix this.

It was a slower Monday morning than usual. Vic rolled out of her bed to turn off the alarm. She grabbed a towel and headed straight for the bathroom. Taking her phone with her, she saw that Ariana was already awake from the 6AM ‘goooooooood morning’ text.

Oh, right! Breakfast! she thought as she perked up and took her shower & washed up.


I was drying my hair though I was just so tempted to toss it into a ponytail and call it a day. Then I remembered we’d all be seeing each other for rehearsal and a part of me wanted to look good for Avan. I straightened it, got dressed and worked up a little good make up. 7AM and I must say, I looked pretty well put together (at least I thought so).

Why do girls do that, by the way? You know- out-do yourself to look good for a guy who already won’t think more of you. I shrugged to myself and decided it was way too early to get into that kind of debate. With myself. Oh my god, I’ve got issues.

I looked at myself in the mirror and gave a nod of approval. Today would be a good day.

Look good, feel good- right? I just have that feeling.

She opened up her MacBook Pro while she gave Ari a call. The phone rang a few times before finally, a groggy voice answered the phone.

“Hello…?” Ariana sounded dazed and half awake.

Victoria tilted her head in confusion as she opened up her Twitter page to get in touch with fans from yesterday. “I thought you were already awake? Seemed like it an hour ago? Good morning, by the way,” she laughed, smiling at all her fans thanking her for the signing.

“Oh, I fell asleep. I’m all ready though, want to meet up?” She said, sounding a little more attentive.

“Sure, I’ll be over in a bit,” Victoria said before hanging up. She left her room and grabbed her bag on the way. “I’m heading out now,” she said to her mother in the kitchen who was making breakfast, while coming down the stairs.

“A little earlier than usual, no?” she asked, flipping some pancakes.

“Breakfast with Liz and Ariana,” Victoria smiled, feeling good and really excited. Her mother smiled and put one plate back into the cabinet.

“You have fun then!” she said while Victoria left and walked off an early morning to Ariana’s.

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