Family Planning (Or Lack Thereof) - Ashton

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0 Months Pregnant (approximately)

❣️Ashton (fuckbuddies)❣️
"Aaaaashton," you moaned and arched your back up into the muscular chest hovering right over you.

Your hands flew up to tangle in sweaty curls as long fingers gripped your hips and pushed you back down.

"Shhhhh," he pressed you further into his dressing-room couch, "gotta be quiet. Don't want anyone coming in here do we?"

You hummed and tossed your head to the side, exposing your neck to him. He licked his lips and leaned down, nipping at the skin right under your ear until it was pink, knowing that later you'd have a purple hickey to cover up.

"You ready? We need to be quick, don't have much time," he hiked your skirt up further on your body, exposing your panties to him. He shifted so that he was leaning more over you, lining himself up.

"Do you have a condom?" You hummed, after not noticing him put one on as he angled himself between your legs.

Ashton let out a low whine and tucked his face in your neck, "I forgot. Don't really need them though, you're on the pill and I can pull out." He sealed the promise with a kiss but you were unconvinced.

"Pull out onto what my shirt? You're going to make a mess!" You complained. It was one thing to fuck in the dressing room fifteen minutes before you were both expected to be present for soundcheck, it was totally different to do the same without condoms. Something was going to get messy, and it probably was going to be you.

"I'm not a fifteen year old boy Y/N," Ashton snorted, but his voice had an edge to it like he was starting to get irritated as well. "I think I can manage my dick enough to not make a mess."

You groaned and rubbed your hands down your face, then back into his sweaty curls. No condoms was less than ideal, especially given that you weren't the best birth-control taker and you remained shaky on Ashton's pullout abilities, but you were also not ready to stop what the two of you were doing, and you needed to make a decision right then.

"Do it," you said after a moment.

"Really?" Ashton perked up, peeling his sticky body from yours and leaning over you again.

"Yes, it's not like I'm going to stop you now," you rolled your eyes and tugged his face down, "now fuck me. Hard."

"Yes Ma'am," he smirked as one hand tugged your panties aside so that he could smoothly thrust in.

You moaned at the contact and he quieted you by sealing his mouth over your own. Sometimes you wondered how you ended up sleeping with Ashton, and how it was so casual. You guessed that it was just that being on tour for so long was stressful and you both needed an outlet. One day you noticed how sexy Ashton looked while playing the drums and his eyes were always glued to your ass or tits while you were trying to do his hair and makeup, so it was kind of inevitable. The tension boiled while you were trying to fix one curl that was sticking straight up, you ended up "accidentally" leaning your chest into his face while reaching over him, and at the time, it's strange really, you were wearing nothing but a flimsy tank top.

He had let out a low, "fuck this," and pulled you down into his lap.

It only escalated from there, but you kind of liked being in a relationship only on a physical level, you had only recently broken up with your fiancé, so you still somewhat doubted your ability to commit to any more men emotionally, but you did miss being physically close.

Either way, it was just casual with Ashton, no strings attached and he always made you feel so good.

When he was almost to his high, he pulled out and disappeared into the attached bathroom for a few seconds before returning to you, looking a little out of breath but satisfied.

"You good?" He asked as he zipped his pants back up.

"Great," You smiled while panting a little yourself.

Ashton offered you his hand and you accepted it, allowing him to pull you to your feet. You fixed your panties and straightened your skirt before frowning at the man in front of you.

"What?" Ashton looked down at himself, confused.

"You have sex hair," you sighed and pointed to your makeup chair, "sit, let me fix it before you go out."

He smirked and sauntered over to the chair, sitting down and making eye contact with you via his reflection.  With a wink, he ran a hand through his own hair. "Okay babe, but we gotta make this quick."

"You're hilarious."

Cause he's a fuqboi 👀

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