You Find Out - Luke

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Okay so I reread the last part then looked at what I had here and basically I had to change some things to make it all make sense

"Hmmmm," you frowned and turned to the side, looking at yourself in the mirror. You were bloated, pretty significantly. You figured you must be PMSing because your period was supposed to have started a few days ago, but now you were late. You'd never been late before, and you couldn't remember your period ever making you feel like this.

You were also exhausted, which was terrible because you hadn't done much more than lay around in sweatpants all day. Your boobs hurt and you just wanted Luke to come home.

You were draped across the couch, halfway through a pint of ice cream, and watching some daytime TV when your boyfriend made his appearance.

"Hey baby, I'm home," he spoke as he walked through the door.

"In here!" You called right away, unwilling to sit up but still wanting to see him.

You listened as Luke walked in, and then looked over at you in surprise. "Y/N? Are you okay?"

That was the worst thing he could've said to you. Your mood suddenly swung from excited to upset as tears built up in your eyes. "N-n-n-nooo!" You dropped your ice cream and began to cry uncontrollably.

"What? Baby!" Luke looked confused, but rushed forward to comfort you anyway, "What's wrong?"

"EVERYTHING!" You wailed as you let Luke slide under you and cradle you on his lap. "My boobs hurt. I'm tired. I'm bloated and it makes me look fat. My period is late and I think I'm dying."

Luke's eyes widened significantly, "oh. Okay, well maybe this is PMS?" He'd comforted you through that before, but usually it wasn't this bad. This was something new entirely.

"I'VE NEVER BEEN LATE BEFORE WHAT IF THIS IS ACTUALLY EARLY MENOPAUSE!" You were getting nonsensical. Obviously it wasn't early menopause since you were suffering from too many hormones not too little.

"Babe," Luke said very seriously, "you are not going through early menopause."

"How do you know Dr. Hemmings?" You pouted and threw an arm over your eyes. What else could it be? You were unable to think rationally.

"I'll google it," your exasperated fiancé sighed and pulled out his phone. You went back to watching your movie as he typed for a few moments and the silence was comforting for you. "Aha!" He said when he got some results, "according to WebMD you're not going through menopause you're-"

He paused and you looked up, "I'm what? It's the Mumps isn't it? I knew I was dying."

"No Y/N it's not the mumps," he sighed, "this says it thinks you're pregnant."

You groaned, that was what you were worried about, "I'm on birth control. I can't be pregnant."

Luke just sighed. Yes, you were on birth control. However, you were also forgetful and maybe not as responsible about making sure you took it at the same time every day as you should have been.

"Plus, we use condoms. I can't be pregnant," you reiterated with such a tone of finality you were sure Luke couldn't possibly refute you.

Of course, you were wrong.

"We usually use condoms, just like how you usually remember your birth control." He reminded you gently. Since you were so obviously in denial, he was concerned about how you would react if he tried to push. He wasn't even sure that you were pregnant, it really could just be a later period and he didn't want to stress you out over nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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