You Find Out - Ashton

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Quick question: since this is the fuck-buddies one, do you guys want to see them get together in the end?

Also, should Ashton accept the kid is his or nah?

Also this one is going to end a little abruptly bc it's going to be picked directly up in the next chapter

Calum just left. You can come over now.

You grinned at the text and kicked the thick hotel blankets from your body. You had been eagerly awaiting that text ever since Calum has decided to go and talk music with Ashton just as you wanted to see him. You hadn't gotten a choice to earlier since it was your turn to get a physical, a monthly requirement given how often you were traveling from country to country.

You stood up and quietly slipped out of the room you were sharing with Maria, one of the sound girls. You liked her, but she did snore rather loudly which meant you liked staying over at Ashton's all the more.

It was only 8:30ish when you arrived at his room, Calum nowhere in sight. The two of you were starting early tonight and that suited you well.

It only took a few light knocks on the door for it to fly open and Ashton to drape himself across the doorway.

"Miss me?" He licked his lips as he looked you up and down, clearly appreciating your pajamas. Well, your fuzzy shorts and thin t-shirt that you wore to bed.

You also felt the ends of your lips curl up, "been waiting for you to call alllllll night." You took your bottom lip between your teeth and began to close the distance between the two of you.

Ashton moved faster though, before you could slide your hands up his shirt or tangle your fingers in his curls, he had a firm arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. He held you so close that your feet came off the ground, allowing him to pull you in and pin you against the wall and close the door in one fluid movement.

"Wow," you panted against the lips now just hovering over yours. Your hands were wedges between his pecs and your body, folded up against you as he pushed himself closer.

"This is going to be so good," he brushed your mouthes together, teasing you, "so many hours, just the two of us."

He pressed his lips more firmly against yours, a warm pressure that had you opening up and trying to deepen the kiss.

It was just as Ashton was starting to comply and open his mouth wider as well that your phone rang. A low grumble came out of his throat and he pulled back. You tried to chase him, not really caring about who was calling you.

Ashton however only reached his hands down to the waistband of your shorts, blindly groping until he found the cell phone tucked in it.

He glanced at you and then had the audacity to answer it, "hello?"

Only a moment later he was handing it to you, "it's your doctors office."

You glared at him for ruining the mood, but accepted the call.

"Hello?" You said this time. Ashton's eyes wandered, and you watched as his gaze fixed on the bathroom before he began walking toward it.

"Is this Y/N Y/L/N speaking?" The secretary asked.

"Yes," you responded right away, maybe a little snippy but who could blame you.

"We just got your preliminaries back in, everything looks good, great actually. Just one thing you should be aware of," the woman continued, "both your urine and blood samples came back positive you're about four weeks pregnant. Congratulations!"

"I... uh..." you stammered. You could feel your eyes widening and the blood beginning to drain from your face.

"-rest of the results back within the week if you're lucky, I'll make sure you get a copy of them. You should also book an appointment with an OBGYN soon, we have a few if you'd like. Anyways, have a goodnight Ms. Y/L/N, and congratulations again."

The line went dead and you dropped your phone.

"Y/N?" The bathroom door opened and Ashton walked out again. He took one look at you and began to run, "YN!"

But his voice seemed to drop or maybe slow. The edges of your vision turned black and ate away at the center until you couldn't see and passed out, falling safely into warm arms.

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