You Find Out - Calum

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Hahahaha what a SHOCKER

4 weeks or soooo

"Oh no," you mumbled as your eyes shot open. "Oh no no no." Your stomach gurgled and you felt bile begin to rise in your throat.

"EMMMMA!" You screamed as you threw yourself off of your bunk. You landed with a thump on the ground, instantly desperate for somewhere to puke. You knew that you wouldn't make it to your hall's bathroom, and it wasn't like your dorm had a built in puke-bucket just lying around.

"Whaaaat?" Emma groaned from her own bunk. Her voice was thick with sleep still, she wouldn't be much help.

You frantically scanned the area around you, only a few seconds left. Emma's trash can was the closet possible puke catcher, and as soon as she heard you puking, Emma was out of bed.


Out of the corner of your eye you could see her sit up and look down at you from her bed above. Her hair was sticking up everywhere and there was a wild look on her face. You didn't see much more before you were again burying your head in the trash can as your stomach twisted and heaved.

"Are you sick or something? Is this why you've been so bloated and moody? I just thought you were on your period but you could just be a grumpy person with the stomach flu I guess." She had a terrible habit of being brutally honest without much of a filter for anything. It was amusing when she was talking to someone else, less so when directed toward you.

You didn't answer her though as you were otherwise occupied, this didn't seem to bother her though.

"Then again, usually when you're on your period you eat a lot of cheese flavored foods and cry over Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice, and I haven't seen a single bag of Cheetos or that Godforsaken book anywhere lately. Hmmm. Did you skip?" She paused, as if you had answered before continuing, "well of course you did, but why? It's not like you're on the pill. Stress? You were pretty freaked about finals but like, you aced them and they were like three weeks ago." Emma again paused and watched you puke thoughtfully. "Maybe that Column guy knocked you up."

You actually choked. Partially because she thought you had slept with a man named Column, but mostly because the mere idea you were pregnant was insane. No possible way.

"Did you and Casper wrap it before tapping it?" She asked, "or did he make you his Twinkie."

There were tears running down your face, were you crying from fear or anger or amusement? You didn't know. Maybe it was the stomach fumes. With a final great heave and another gurgle you felt the nausea begin to pass, and you pushed the bucket away from you.

"Did Calvin pull out? That doesn't work very well ya know," she was still rather oblivious, but had at least taken the time to smooth down her hair.

"First of all, his name's CALUM," you clarified with a glare.

"Whatever, Carter, I got it," she waved you to continue.

You decided to just choose your battles and let that one go, "and there's no way I'm pregnant and there's no way he's the father. Really must be a flu and I'm probably PMSing, just a little late on the old Shark Week."

"OR," Emma didn't give up, "you're pregnant with Cameron's baby. Ooooh, does that mean that I can meet the hot guy?"

Emma also had a weird thing for people with red hair, and not ginger hair, dyed red hair. Six of her seven ex-boyfriends had bright red hair. The seventh had green, and she didn't like to talk about it. But it was expected that as soon as you had told her that there was a dude there with cherry red hair she had began to refer to him exclusively as "the hot guy" despite never seeing him herself.

"I'm not pregnant and I'll prove it." You stood up and walked over to her dresser. "Do you still have those pregnancy tests from that time Alice thought she had asexually reproduced?" You rummaged through the stuff in her drunk drawer, and really you should've been wearing gloves.

"Oh yeah, they're in there," she watched with interest but made no move to help you.

You huffed, but after peeling back an old magazine that had clearly seen better days you saw it. Grabbing the box, you pulled it out, and snorted at there being only one left when it originally had like six.

"Hey, Alice took some convincing okay?" Of course she excused herself immediately.

You decided to just give her the benefit of the doubt there. Alice was a bit of a strange bird, she was a biology major and had really bad gas once and long story short, she was convinced she was pregnant but the only possibility she could think of was asexual reproduction. It had taken a while and some laxatives to convince her otherwise.

You took the single test, and left the room, heading for the bathroom to put an end to the stupid speculation. It was still early, so you were the only one in the bathroom stalls.

The toilet seat was cold, and you hated listening to yourself pee. Once you were done, you washed your hands and carried the test back with you to the room while waiting to see what it said so you could prove your point.

"Wellllll?" Your ever friend roommate asked.

"Not pregnant," you didn't even bother looking at the test before showing it to her.

"I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!" Emma screamed enthusiastically.

Your eyebrows furrowed. What was she going on about now? She didn't even have any siblings and that was completely beside the point and-

All of the blood drained from your face. Oh no. Oh no no no.

With shaking hands as Emma babbled more about how dirty you were and "Chester" and something about Twinkies, you turned your hand around to read the test for yourself.

Two dark pink lines. There was no question about it.

You were pregnant.

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