I soon forgot about the noises from the night before, it was 10pm now and I was about to fall asleep until I heard....
I was scared shitless because I checked the weather and it said 0% rain. I also didn't hear any rain, I tried to ignore it but the noises kept going for about an hour or so. I got annoyed but then something scared me half to death
It sounded like a swing. But the thing is....
I didn't own a swing.
All of the sudden the noises happened all at once, the scratching, writing, knocking, swinging. I hid under my covers and was shitting bricks now.
I soon gathered the courage to look out side the window. I slowly and quietly got out of bed and walked slowly towards the window.
The noises were getting faster and louder each passing second. I was right in front of my window and my hand was hovering above the blinds. I was about to open the blinds and yell at who ever was trying to prank me at 11pm at night. But the noises stopped.
My heart stopped. I slowly opened the blinds and saw many scratch marks on the bottom right corner of my window, it looked like a butch of tiny white streaks. I let out a sigh and closed my blinds. I went back to bed but not 2 seconds after I heard
But not from my window.
But from my bedroom door.