Saying hello is easy, but saying good bye is much harder than you Think. You must think they are words and are meaningless, but they are stronger than you will ever imagine. Words aren't like paper to throw away. They can stab you in the heart for guilt, sadness, anger, jealous, and hatred. They can bring happiness, joy, excited, smiles, and a new life. Words can bring so much. While you think it's nothing. Think what your saying before you say it. You don't know what it would do to the person you say. Think what might happen if you say it, think of the responsibility, think of the consequences. What you might say can end up to murder, or death. Or bring new life and experiences you never knew that you can see.
Mavis - it's easy to say hello but never easy to say good bye. A strong relationship with a person who's heart is so kind but with a curse that kills anything around him. I want to cure it or find a way to fix this curse. But there was no way. Soon I got it. For being to near him and always talking and being by his side. This was the worse curse anyone can get. Taking lives away. The more I love lives to live the more they die around me. I try killing myself to stop Harming anyone around me, But the curse had immortal. But the love I felt for the person was still strong. As my spirit was alive but my life was gone. The love between he and I took my life. But my spirit was still alive. Only my guild and his friends or comrade could see me. I was invisible to the world. But I have no regrets. As I experience Love, and the how much life is so valuable. I hope YOU can see how much life is so special.