We'll Meet Again

444 15 9

!!Trigger Warning!!

Gerard wanted to wake up far before Frank.

And he managed to do so.

It was 1:50am.

Gerard slowly sat up straight, looking at Frank for a moment.

He looked so peaceful.

Gerard kissed Frank's cheek gently, "I'm sorry Frank. I'm so sorry." He whispered.

Gerard slid off the bed quietly.

He fixed the blankets from his side of the bed.

He grabbed the letter and put it on his side of the bed, making sure it was very clear to see.

Something was missing...

Gerard stood there for a moment, thinking about what was missing.

The rose Frank had given him caught the corner of his eye.

He grabbed it and admired its color.

Gerard kissed one of its petals softly, before gently laying it on the envelope.

He began walking towards Frank's bathroom door.

Gerard rested his empty hand on the door knob.

He turned to take one last look at Frank.

"I love you." He whispered.

He opened the door and quickly rushed in, gently shutting the door behind him.

He walked over to the sink, seeing his reflection on the mirror.

'How does someone like Frank, fall in love with someone like me?' He thought to himself, brushing his fingers through his damaged hair.

He opened the mirror cabinet, his eyes meeting a packet of razors, a brush, some shampoos, and antidepressants - which were Gerard's.

He grabbed his antidepressants and one of Frank's razors, a fresh one.

He shut the cabinet, seeing his reflection again.

He stared at it for a moment, before opening the bottle of antidepressants.

He poured them out in a line, one by one.

Gerard held one in his hand, his heart beating slightly faster.

It will all be over soon...

He slipped it into his mouth and swallowed it..

And then he did the same for another one..

And another...

And another...

24 or so pills later, he decided he had downed enough.

Gerard sat down on the bathroom floor and stared at the razor, his eyes studying its blades.

It's time...


Gerard pressed the razor against his wrist.

He slid it along his arm, following the veins.

Over and over again...

His arms began throbbing and stinging...

The warm blood dripped onto the floor and onto his clothes.

He bit his lip as a coping method, to the point of drawing blood.

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