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After a beautiful night of unconditional love and good moments
it was a beautiful bright sunny morning
Arnav woke before khushi today c
The great ASR who never even picked up a cup for anyone went in the kitchen to make breakfast for his jaan his khushi
After making the breakfast he took it to khushi in the room.
khushi who was in a deep slumber woke up as the sun shone on her waking her up from her sleep as she opened her eyes she was stunned because in front of her sat Arnav with a tray of her favourite food items but her eyes only paused at one Jalebis and like a child she immediately screamed with excitement  " jalebis " and grabbed one like a child and  started eating one by one messing herself a bit and arnav stopped her and fed her one with his hands and she ate it happily
Arnav who was sitting there just stared at his cute childlike wife and admired her .
Khushi who was still munching her jalebi stopped for a minute and asked "who made these jalebis"
Arnav went a little closer to her and said I made it
khushi done her favourite thing as he came closer she went  a little backwards immediately touching the headboard
Arnav got a chance to come closer which he did and asked her if she liked it
her heartbeat increased as usual finding him so close and in a stuttering way she said yes she liked it
Arnav couldn't help but chuckle seeing his wife's cute expressions and touched her nose with his hand calling her Ms red nose
she blushed and pushed him back.

and immediately got up to run to the bathroom as because her cheeks went blood red but Arnav caught her hand hand and pulled her back causing her to fall on his lap
he put one hand on her waist holding her tightly while with the other hand he took something out of the draw
when khushi attempted to get off his lap as she couldn't stop blushing he tightened his hold on her stopping her from going.

He took out an envelope from the draw and gave it to her
before taking it she asked what is this he replied open and check
she took it and opened it and her eyes widened as she saw 2 tickets for Switzerland her favourite dream place.
in excitement she jumped off Arnav's lap and screamed tickets to Switzerland pulled arnav
into a standing position and asked him are we going to Switzerland and when he replied yes she immediately kissed him

in excitement she jumped off Arnav's lap and screamed tickets to Switzerland pulled arnavinto a standing position and asked him are we going to Switzerland and when he replied yes she immediately kissed him

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a smile curved on Arnav's face and he said "I have already got our bags packed so don't worry about that , just go and get ready our flight is at 5 pm okay jaan "

khushi nodded a yes and went to get ready
Just then Arnav's phone started ringing and his screen said unknown number
Arnav's expressions changed into fear and his hands started shaking and he immediately answered the call and said :
unknown caller : what do you think that by taking her away from India she will be safe then you are wrong Mr Arnav Singh Raizada because I will make sure I get what I want .

Arnav : I will never let u get what you want just remember that
if you are so brave then come in front of me why are you only talking on the phone hah tell me , are you so scared of me you coward

Unknown caller : (laughs on the phone and says soon you will see whose the scared one you or me .

Arnav : yes we'll see but just remember I won't let you even come near her . I won't let you succeed just remember that!!!!!!!

unknown caller : I will get what I want .

after saying that he cuts the call and arnav starts to scream hello hello and when there is no answer he throws his phone on the floor in anger causing it to break .

Just then khushi comes out and asks what happen
arnav calms himself and tells her nothing his phone just fell from his hand and broke .

Khushi says are you sure because the sound was very loud he says no it fell and broke khushi gets convinced and goes inside to get ready

Arnav immediately starts to think to himself " khushi I won't let anything happen to you I promise you I will always be by your side my jaan .

Hey guys thank you for all your votes and comments😊 here is another chapter hope u all like it .😊
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