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All preparations were done , at night their flight took off
they reached in Switzerland the next day in the evening .
when they reached the hotel they both were dead tired so they quickly freshened up and went to sleep.

The next morning was a bright sunny day
they both got up and got ready for sight seeing
khushi went first to shower while Arnav was still asleep after her shower she came out saying

Khushi: Arnav ji wake up we have to go for sightseeing

Arnav: oh ho khushi we'll go later I'm tired let me sleep na 😥

khushi: Arnav ji you've slept enough now wake up we never come to Switzerland for sleeping wake up

khushi pulls arnav out of the bed leaving him without any option other than waking up
he got up an was just about to go in the bathroom until the scene in front of him caught his eye
khushi was drying her hair with her towel
his eyes could not move from her he just kept on looking at her

Khushi's heart started to beat faster as she could feel his eyes on her she quickly turned around and saw him staring at her she asked him why was he looking at her arnav took steps closer to her and khushi being khushi as usually took steps backw...

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Khushi's heart started to beat faster as she could feel his eyes on her
she quickly turned around and saw him staring at her
she asked him why was he looking at her
arnav took steps closer to her and khushi being khushi as usually took steps backwards until she bumped into the wall
arnav put both his hands on the wall leaving no space for her to run away
her heart took a 360 degree turn and started beating faster and so did his heart too

khushi was getting goosebumps finding him so close but she still  asked him why was he staring at her so intensely

arnav answered saying that if you look so beautiful how can I stop myself

Khushi's cheeks and nose turned blood red due to her blushing and she pushed arnav and was about to go when he caught her and pulled her towards him he  touched her nose and pulled her cheeks

khushi blushed more and pushed him in the bathroom saying that they here for sightseeing not for romance in the room

arnav went in but couldn't help but chuckle at his crazy wife's cute antics and her cute way of blushing

but soon that smile turned into worry because arnav remembered the call he got from that caller before coming to Switzerland

he knew that Khushi's life was in danger and also knew that her life was in danger because of him .

Arnav felt a lump in his throat he felt like crying because he knew that whatever danger was lurking on khushi was because of him

he went back in flashback when he was 14 years old and how his parents were killed in front of him by a  delhi's biggest and most wanted Don Shashi Gupta who was being chased by the police as because he ran away from jail and to save himself he entered arnav's house in which arnav was staying with his parents Ratna Singh Raizada and Gopal Singh Raizada

Shashi had entered their house to hide away from the police but arnav's parents got scared and immediately hid arnav away under a table and covered it with a table cloth to keep him safe

but arnav peeped through the table cloth and he could not hear what we they talking but after a while he  saw shashi Gupta shoot his parents and run away .

Arnav's eyes widened and filled with tears he became speechless he immediately ran out of under the table and ran to his parents who were filled with blood he began screaming MA !!!
DAD !!!! UTTHO WAKE UP he said this several times but it didn't help he began crying loudly and bitterly until he felt  someone's  hand on his shoulder he looked up and saw a man dressed in full black he got scared but the man told him that he won't harm him arnav calmed down a bit  but due to so much that happened he fainted.

When he woke up he found himself in a place that looked like a den
he looked around confused until he heard a voice in the back
that same man dressed in black came by him

arnav was sweating and shivering but he in a trembling voice asked the man who is he

the man replied that he is Tony an underworld Don who had just been released from Malaysian jail and who has come back to take revenge from Indian Don shashi Gupta

Tony told him that the man who shot his parents was shashi Gupta

Arnav's eyes widened and turned red due to anger and he pushed the table next to him causing it to break

Tony tells arnav to Vent all his anger out and to not keep it in
arnav carries on breaking things as the image of his parents dead body and the man shooting them keep coming in front of his eyes

after a while arnav falls on his knees and starts crying
Tony comes near him and tells him that there is one way to teach that shashi Gupta a lesson

Arnav opens his eyes and looks at him and he asks him WHAT !?

Tony says the way he killed your family and took everything from you u also do the same.

Arnav's eyes that were teary eyed turns red due to anger and he agrees .

a smirk appears on tony's face and he tells Arnav that he knows everything about shashi and telks him that his wife died long ago he only has a daughter who is 11 years old and her name is khushi

if u want to hurt shashi then hurt his daughter break her heart then kill her .

arnav looked at Tony confused and asked him  what do you mean
and said why break her heart can't we just kill her straight away

Tony told him no I want you to break her heart the way that shashi Gupta broke my sister's heart

Arnav looked confused and asked what do u mean he broke your sister's heart

Tony said many years ago shashi and my sister radhika were in love with each other but then he left left her on their wedding day breaking her heart and causing her to commit suicide

arnav felt really bad for Tony and he agreed to take revenge for  Tony and himself .

Flashback ends

Arnav's eyes were filled with tears he knew that the phone call he got was maybe one of tony's man
who called him  to remind him of his mission but at that time when that man was talking about killing khushi arnav never knew why he felt so angry and why he said all those things when he knew that in all these years all the time he spent with khushi from childhood until now was part of his plan including their marriage and all the times he said I love u to khushi was fake but what shocked him more was the word he added after that "ALL THE TIMES HE SAID I LOVE TO KHUSHI WAS FAKE MAYBE ".

he thought to himself why did he add the word maybe.


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