Stranded on Earth 1

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Supergirl was flying faster than ever when all of a sudden a portal shows up. Before she could stop herself she went through it.

"Where am I?" She asked herself while looking around "I don't think I'm in National City anymore,".

"Wait," She said, "If I'm not in National City Then maybe..." 

She flew up into the air and saw a distance away a big building with the STAR written on the sides.

"Isn't that the building Barry was talking about when he came to my earth?" She thought out loud, "Maybe he's in there."

She flew over to the building and stopped outside the door. There was a camera outside next to the door.

"Hello?" she said "Is Barry in there?"


"Who's that?" Cisco asked.

"Who?" Caitlin asked

"Her," Cisco said pointing at the screen

"BARRY!" Caitlin called

"Yeah?" Barry said walking into the room "What is it?"

"There's a girl outside that seems to know you?" Cisco said

"What? I didn't tell anyone to come over here." He said

"She seems to know you though," Caitlin said

"Wait..." Barry said, "Zoom in on what she's wearing."

"Barry this isn't time to ..." 

"Just do it. I think I know who it is."

"Ok," Cisco shrugged as he sat in the chair next to him and started to zoom in on her clothes.

"It's Kara!" Barry said, "But, what's she doing here?"

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