the accident

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"Barry, the robber is over by the Nation City bank." Cisco called over his shoulder

"Ok. Come on Kara!" Barry said and speed dressed.

"Coming!" she called back

They flew over or in Barry's case ran over to National city bank. There inside was a hooded figured pointing a gun at some people.

"Get the hostages out of the bank, supergirl,"Barry whispered

She flew over to all the hostages one by one and flew them out of here. The villain not even turning around.

"So... The famed Flash finally shows up. I was wondering if you'd ever show up." The hooded figure said slowly turning around to face them. The figure was holding a gun, finger on the trigger. "I thought i'd never be able to do THIS!" It screamed and shot the gun at both Supergirl and Flash before they could even flinch.

I heard Kara scream and hit the floor just before I blacked out myself. Hitting the floor with a thud!


"BARRY!" Caitlin screamed "Barry can you hear me? BARRY!"

"Caitlin calm down he's fine."

"If he's fine him and Kara would be back by now."

"Let's go get him and kara then."

They got into one of the vans from the lab and drove over to the bank. It was shut off from citations. Cisco and Caitlyn walked in to the bank and searched the bank for Supergirl and Flash.

"Do you see them Cisco?"

"No. Do you?"

"N-... wait I think I found. WHAT!"

"What is it Cisco?"

"Come. Here. Now..."


Caitlin climbed up the stairs to where Cisco was she stopped in her tracks. Next to where Cisco was bending down were 2 little kids in Flash and Supergirl outfits. They started to stir.

"Kid " Flash and SupergirlWhere stories live. Discover now