Too much stress

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"What happened?" Kara asked in a high pitched voice.

"Where are we? Did we beat the bad guy?" Barry asked in an even higher voice.

Kara bolted up and looked at Barry and panicked.

"Why are you a little kid?" She asked

Barry sat up in a sitting stance and stared at Kara.

"Why are you a little kid?" He asked back

"We can figure this out at the lab." Cisco said "But, first we have to get you out of here before you two get seen."

"Woah," Barry said standing up, " You guys are huge."

"I have an idea." Cisco said " Barry grab my hand."


"Just do it. And Kara grab Caitlin's hand."

"Wait. I get it. Here Kara get on my back."


"You two look like little kids. So act like it, until we get to the van."

"Oh, ok." Barry replied

Kara jumped up on Caitlin's back and giggled. Barry grabbed Cisco hand and started to pull him. Caitlin laughed and started walking with Cisco. After they got out of National City Bank Barry pulled them into the van.

"Why do you want to go so fast Barry?" Caitlin asked

Barry blushed and looked down.

"I don't want them to see me. The bad guy got away and I didn't speed after it. They're probably wondering what happened to the Flash and why he's not chasing the bad guy" Barry said when they were about to get in the van.

Caitlin put Kara down and bent to hug Barry. "Oh, Barry. Don't feel that way it's not your fault."

"But it is. It is my fault. I wasn't paying attention and... and... I should have caughted the bad guy when he talking, but *sniff* I didn't and I was waiting there not catching the bad guy."

By the time Barry stopped talking he was sobbing, his shoulders heaving. Caitlin picked him up and he wrapped his arms around her not wanting to let go. He buried his face in her neck still sobbing.

Then a police officer from the scene walked up. "Is everything ok ma'am?" He asked

"Yes officer everything's fine. My little brother just got scared when the robber came in."

"Ok ma'am just wanting to make sure nobody is hurt." Then he walked away.

Caitlyn turned back to Cisco "Cisco, can you drive? I'll sit in the back to calm down Barry."

"Sure. Get in."

Caitlin opened the door and let Kara in then she got in with Barry in her lap. She made sure that Kara was buckled in then she told Cisco to drive back to the lab. She tried to calm down Barry and in the end he fell asleep on her lap. When they got to the lab she picked Barry up and they walked back into the lab.

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