Barry the 5 year old superhero

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Caitlin placed Barry on the med room table so that they could find out how Barry and Kara became they way they are now. Barry was still fast asleep when they put him on the table.

"Let's get the scanning equipment,"Cisco said

"How old do you think they are?" Caitlin asked staring down at a little boy that was her friend.

"We could ask them," Cisco said "Maybe they know."

"Kara! Could you come here?" Caitlin called

"Sure!" Kara replied flying toward Caitlin "What do you want?"

"Could you watch Barry? We need to go get some stuff."


"Come get us if he wakes up."


With that Caitlin and Cisco walked out of the med room and went to get some of the equipment.

"Are you going to ask them?" Cisco asked

"Once Barry wakes up." Caitlin replied

They brought the equipment back into the med room and scanned Barry and did some tests to see if they could find out how and what made them like this. After they finished the tests Barry started to stir.

"Umm." Barry sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What happened?"

"You fell asleep in the car." Caitlin told him

"I did?"

"Yeah. Then we brought you in here." Cisco said

"Do you guys know how old you are?" Caitlin asked

"I'm 8." Kara replied

"What about you Barry?"

"I'm 5!" He said holding up one of his hands with all the finger stretched out. He looked at his hand and pulled it down quickly.

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