Meeting Kara Danvers a.k.a. Supergirl

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"Who's Kara?" Cisco asked

"Let her in. I'll explain once she's in here."

"Sure, yeah, whatever, it's not like we do this all the time or anything," Cisco replied

He opened up the door and she walked in. She walked into the room they were in and saw Barry.

"Barry!" She said and flew over to him

"Woah," Cisco said "How'd you do that? Are you a metahuman?"

"What?" She said, "What's a metahuman?"

Cisco turned to Barry "Is she for another earth or something? How does she not know what metas are?"

"Ok," Barry said "This is Kara Danvers, or as she's known on her earth Supergirl. Kara, this is Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow. They help me here on Earth one."

"Cool," She said smiling, "Nice to meet you Cisco and Caitlin."

"If she's not a meta then what is she? Why can she fly? Does she have any other powers?" Cisco asked rapidly

"Calm down Cisco, I'll explain," He turned to supergirl "Or do you want to?"

"You can," She replied

"Ok so, Kara is an alien."

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