Chapter 25

490 15 7

We arrive at the hotel at like 10:33 at night, Lance checks us in and the receptionist keeps looking back at me, probably because I'm poking at the glass of the fish tank but lance comes back looking flustered

"So the room the have left is the-in honey moon sweet"
"You told them it was our honeymoon to get a discount on that room didn't you"
"Yeah, but hey, complimentary chocolates?"

I smile and grab our bags
"Show me to the chocolates!- I mean the room"
Lance laughs and leads me to the elevator, a few minutes later we arrive at our room

"It's absolutely stunning!"
I say spinning around the room as a jump on the bed
Lance puts our bags on the bed and sits by me
"There's a pool, it would be really cool if we can hit the gym then the pool to relax our muscles before the competition"

I nod and we walk down to the lobby lance tells me to go try on bathing suits while he look for a place to eat a few minutes later i buy a new bathing suit for both of us and meet lance back at our room

We get change and go back down to the gym
Lance is the only one actually using the equipment, I walk over and run on the treadmill the work on the punching bags, it's fun I just had to

When we are all done it's 11:30 and the pool is surprisingly open
"Shall we go on a midnight swim
I giggle and get changed, Well I mean we had our swim suits on underneath so we stayed there,

Lance runs over and jumps into the pool splashing me, I stand next to the edge, lance swims over to me
"Come on, it's surprisingly warm in here"
He says swimming in a circle

"I'm going to just, walk on in.."
I say starting to walk to the shallow end entrance
Lance sits on the stairs
"Come on just jump in!"
He gets up and stands in front of me

I back up
"Lance no"
He chases me to the deep end of the pool and picks me up
"Lance no put me down!"

He drops me in the deep end of the pool and jumps in after me
"Lance! What the actual heck"
"You were taking to long to get in"
He smiles and swims down and comes back up

"Have you ever seen a bottom of a pool at night?"
I shake my head and lance grabs to pairs of goggles and hands one to me
"Put em on"
I do as so and puts his hands on my shoulders and lightly pushes me down underwater with me

I open my eyes and look underwater
It all lit up and with the print of the pool water reflected on the pool wall and floor it's pretty

Lance and I swim back up and he looks at me
"It's pretty isn't it, just like you"
He smiles and boops my nose

A few hours of swimming and splashing he finally get out at 1am
"We should get back before we catch colds"
He puts a towel over me and we go back to the room

We look at the bed
"That's the biggest bed I've ever seen"
Lance laugh and sits on one side and I roll in on the other

"I'm going to steal the covers just FYI"
He laughs and turns over to face me
I giggle
"Hey, it's kind of warm in here huh"
"Yeah kind of"

I fall asleep in an instant, probably all that swimming tired me out
We both already woke up and went downstairs for the complimentary breakfast but he wouldn't let me eat anything except for apples and cereal, I guilt tripped him into letting me take some doughnuts for after the competition

Lance walks out of the bathroom in our crew outfit
I go and get dressed in mine

Our uniforms for this dance is simple

I'm wearing a white shirt black ripped pants black shoes
Lance and Keith are both wearing black shirt black pants and black shoes, Allura and hunk and both wearing white shirts black pants and well- black shoes Allura has a black hat on hunk has white

Lance and I leave our stuff there since he payed for three days just in case and we start heading to the competition, we are in the car when my phone rings

"Hey Mr.Shirogane"
He chuckles
"Hey (y/n), I wanted to let you know meet us in the back of where the teams are supposed to meet, we are in the back corner near the sign"

"Okay thanks We will be right there"
"You got your other outfits prepared?"
"Yes Shiro, an-"
"Oh wait- this is very important you are now dancing with Keith for a routine"

"They can't do that! That's so last minute..!"
"I know I'm sorry- you will be dancing with lance still but Keith was supposed to dance with Allura but she's sick and can only really do one routine"

"Fine your lucky I know the dance"
I hear him sigh
"I know I know- I'm sorry for telling you this now- I just found out now...! And I've signed us uper the name TeamVLD so if they ask you know now "
"It's okay— we are sure to win Shiro I won't let you down!"

I hang up and lance turns into the parking lot
We get out, get our stuff and head over to the team
"(Y/n)! Over here!!"
I see hunk waving to us and we run over to them

"Hey guys!"
"(Y/n) you have time to practice with Keith one time, you two should go"
I look at Keith and he nods,
"There's a little practice studio over here around the corner"

He takes my hand and leads me over to the studio and we start practicing
When we are finished he head back over to the team and check in, they tell us where to sit and when we are going on
'We are the second team for the team dance- 3rd for the partner dance, then last for the one with Keith'
We take our seats and watch the first team go up

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now