Chapter 30

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Back in class, it's now fourth period

I get dressed and walk out and wait for lance, he later runs around the corner and walk up to me
"You feeling up to running?"
I groan

"Not at all"
I laugh, we walk over to our number together, while over there I lean up against the pole and some guys walk up to me
"(Y/n) is it?"

"Yes, I'm (y/n)"
The look at each other and smile
"You dance amazingly! I've never seen someone whose been as quiet as you dance like that"
I bush a bit from the sudden compliment and stutter

"U-Uh thank you s-so much it means al-a lot"
"So um- we were wondering if a girl— like yourself...would like to join us tonight for a little party?"

I pause for a second, the look at me with caring eyes
'A party invitation? Me....I've never received one before....'
"Sure I would love to join, can I bring a plus one?"
I smile brightly

the guys look at me then back at lance and glares,

"sure, just make sure to find me when you're there, ask for the name Caleb, I'll be there" he hands me a piece of paper, winks and walks away

"I don't trust them" Lance mumbles

I turn around and pinch Lance's cheeks

"I noticed, that's why you're going to be my plus one so you can protect me silly"

he smiles at me and we head over to our PE numbers


I quickly get dressed and slam my locker shut, grab my book bag and walk outside waiting, Lane walks up to me
"Hey pretty lady"
"Hello lance"

"Would you like to—go off campus for lunch?"
"Are we even allowed to do that?"
"You do realize we are juniors right?"

"But I thought—"
I was interrupted by the bell and lance dragging me through a ton of people
"Lance Wait—"

He pulls me around the corner into a empty hallway, which is rare in this school
"Can we calmly walk to the office get the slip and leave instead of dragging me out??"

"I would! Of course!—but we aren't really going through the office"
"....what do you mean?"
"Well—keith showed me a way to exit the school, by not going through the office"

"Come on it will be fun!"
" record is already scratched as it is...this will dent it— I don't know"
"Awh please, we won't get caught I promise! And it will just be for lunch, we can go to your favorite tea place just around the street!"

I look at him then roll my eyes
"Fine let's go"
He smiles brightly and leads me over to a grassy area in between the backside of the classrooms, we turn the corner and see Keith leaning up against the wall on his phone

"Hey guys, going out for lunch?"
"Yeah—uh what about you?"
"I was heading out as well, going to a 7 11 down the street"
"Ah—so how do we get to the other side"

"I mean, I climb it but— you can always go through that hole in the gate"
Keith points over to the gate then climbs up and jumps down,
"What hole?"

We walk to the right a little bit more until we see one
"Someone I know made it look like there isn't a hole there— just so the school won't patch it up"
We nod and I slide through the hole as lance jumps over the gate

"See you later Keith"
We wave bye and head over to Lance's car,
We reach the tea cafe without being caught, and we sit down at a booth in the back,

"Why did you want to come her for lunch?"
He looks up from his menu
"What I can't want to spend lunch with my girlfriend and just my girlfriend??"

I look up from my menu,
"Well Gee—"
The person walks by and takes out orders then comes back with our food
Lance looks at his phone

"We still have about 35 minutes left, let's eat"
I drink a bit of my tea
"So, are you going to the party tonight?"
I tilt my head
"I mean—I guess so"
I lean in closer to him and whisper

"Plus I heard there is going to be a dance and karaoke competition, that I'm sure we will win"
"We— I never said I was going to want to do those competition"

"Oh come on Lance! Please! You'll get to prove yourself to all the cool kids that are going to be there"
I was literally going to tell him that he can impress girls when I stupidly realized we are dating, god I'm stupid— I've had to much tea

I facepalm and lance looks at me worriedly
"Well, I guess I can join—what's the prize"
"Um...proving yourself?"
"Don't need to, when i only need to prove myself to you"

I get flustered and kick him underneath the table, he winces
"If we win I will— um make you a three course meal and we can go on a,,uh "special" date"

He smirks
"What's the special part"
I blankly look at him
"The special part is that, you aren't taking me out and paying for food, instead you're staying at my house and I'm cooking the food—Be great full"

He rests his head on his hand
"Can we make it special"
"I guess—we can throw in some eXpEnSiVe MoViEs"
He stares at me blankly

I laugh to myself and give the waiter the money and a tip, before I get up to leave lance puts his foot in the way
"Lance we have to go to sixth period"

"But its a free period we won't be missing anything"
"We still have to sign in.."
He looks up at me
"I really don't want to See Kai though"

I sigh
"I just, i just want to show Kai that I have a boyfriend, because the last time I heard from him was when I yelled at him over the phone....that sick bi-"

I stop myself and look at lance
"Come on we need to go"
He groans and gets up and we walk over to his car and drive back to school, and head over to our sixth period

Just Dance /LanceXReader/                   {Voltron Dance AU} Where stories live. Discover now