i told you, im not kira!...(last chapter!! </3 )

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I woke up in the afternoon, realizing I slept all day,. I blush as I realize I was naked, I look to the left of me and saw vodka and all types of alcohol plus chocolate, I look to my right and saw Mello, I look at my roof as a smirk spreads on my face "I got to him..yes!" I smile as a blush. I poke him "Mello wake up.." He smiles as he stretches "do I have to.." I smile "yes baby you have to.." I saw a blush as he opened his eyes "w-was that baby?" I nod "yeah. Why?" He blushes more "cute~!" I laugh "so..you have a sore head" he smirks "no.. Your the only one who drank. I got drunk of my own alcohol...chocolate!! Mmm!~" I smile "hey Mello.." He looks at me "hm?" I blush "w-will..you go out with me?" He smirks "you asked that yesterday. I said yes >_<" my eyes widen "o-oh! Awesome!" He kisses my nose lightly "I'm going out. You wanna come?" I smile "where?" He smiles back "easy! The shops!" I yawn "getting more chocolate?" He nuzzles me "no silly! I already got enough from you!".

A full day of shopping and we come home with all kinds of stuff, I place it all on the bench and I yawn "what time is it??" He yawns after I did as smirks, he checks the time "it is!.....4:30 pm! I gasp "that late already!" He nods "yes! It is!" "My head still hurts..can I PLEASE go to bed..?"I pout and he smiles "yes baby..I love you.." "I love you too baby!"

(that was the ending and i thought the ending shouldn't end happy... how about we end it with a little blood and gore shall we!)

I wake up the next morning to a knock at the door, it was really loud actually, when i opened it I got dragged outside, it was L, he growled slightly "are you kira!?" my eyes widen "w-what? no.. that's Li-" "don't lie to me! I went to visit your home mello! and I found this at your desk!! "he lifts up a death note and i gasp and L growls louder "so you're the one killing all these people?! the shinigami told me it was you and where you were.." you hear ryuuk laugh slightly "your doomed now kira!" my eyes widen more as i think "w-why is he here? he's not my shinigami! he's lights! why is he calling me kira!?" (light bribed him with apples and put the death note on his desk, L was getting closer to funding the secret but Light will get the death note back soon xD) light walks up to me and handcuffs me. "what a shame mello.. I thought you were better than this,." matt walks out and gasps "w-what are you doing with mello!" light starts to walk toward the police car grabbing mellos arm and gets put into the police car, L follows and drives off into his car.

matts POV: as I watch the police car drive off, tears start to fall down my eyes "m-mello..... DONT LEAVE ME!!" I drop to the ground as tears spill from my eyes, I sniff and punch the ground until my knuckles bleed repeating the same word over and over again "n-no! no no NO NO! N-NO!" I run inside and grab my dining table chair, throwing it into the wall, I open drawers and rip them out, throwing things every where, kicking, smashing and throwing, alot of it was done until he ran out of energy, the whole house trashed. "MELLO! COME BACK TO ME!"

mellos POV: I wince as i get thrown into my cell rather hardly by light, a big smile appearing on his face as he walked away. I look around me, it was quiet and cold, my wrist were bleeding and were raw because I moved them too much, the handcuffs irritating my wrists, dried up blood was left around them. I sniff and think "w-wow.. what b-bad luck.. what's going t-to happen to me..."

a quick lights POV: I look at l, as he searched through the death note "wow.. all the recent murder cases... all their names are written on here.. most of them anyway.. and Lind.. his name is very big across the page.... strange... light... put this in the evidence room, make sure to wear gloves okay? so you cant see the shinigami.." I nod and put gloves on, even though I could still see the shinigami all along, I pretended I didn't. I walked down to the evidence room and quickly got a pen out, locking the door behind me, I write a name, cause of death and time. that name was "Mihael Keehl" death was caused by getting shot my L infrount of matt and the time of death was today at 6:20 pm.

mellos POV: Light walks into my cell putting a pen in his pocket "I'll let you leave.... if you keep shut about my identity.. I'm not kira to anyone else and id like it to keep that way.. in return.. you can leave... if you do tell and break our deal, I will kill you." my eyes widen slightly "y-yeah.. deal." he smirks at me "run, I may make a scene though, better be athletic, your lucky you have a near the door cell.." I nod, running out at fast speeds, I hear light yell "HES ESCAPING! GET HIM!" I run faster and out the door, I see L and light following behind, along with many other officers, I get in a taxi and quickly tell them where to drive me and he speeds off with me in the car, I look behind me and see light and L get into a car, driving after me, I get to Matts house and I scream out "MATT! COME QUICKLY" matt runs out and gasps as he sees light and L running behind me, L getting out a gun, he aims and.. BANG!! ... before the gun fired I heard matt scream "NO!!" But it was too late, I stop running, i felt a sharp pain as my back got damp, knowing it was blood pouring out of my fresh wound.., realising the bullet nearly went strait through me, I gasp as tears rush down my face, it fucking hurt.. like hell! I push down in my wound, blood seeping through my black top, although I couldnt see blood, I knew there was alot and matt runs up to me, grabbing my shoulders "b-baby! its going to be okay!" I smile slightly, trying not to scream "i-its okay... my time to die was a long time ago... at least I know now.... somebody will miss me..." matt cries more as I get paler, coughing blood onto his striped shirt, he looks at L and yells "why! why you bastard!" Ls eyes widen slightly as he yells back "I had to!" I look behind me at L and light, light was covering his mouth with his hand, biting his finger, trying not to laugh, the then takes his hand away from his mouth and mouths 6 words.. "ryuuk said, good luck in hell.." he smirked wider as my vision blurred more, i knew it, he wrote my name.. he planned my escape just so I could get s-shot! "L L-lights! k.....k..." my voice trailed off as i closed my eyes, matt catching me, his tears hitting my face, my voice was quiet, only matt could hear my last word, it was up to him to make light pay.. "k-kira...." "the last thing I heard was a loud scream from my boyfriend and him yelling 6 words I loved him saying...


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