Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Harry Styles

I pedaled harder as the library came into view, wiping mascara stains from under my droopy eyes. It was pouring enough rain to fill the ocean and I was soaked from head to toe. I made the sharp turn before stopping to hook my bike up to the metal pole. Shivering, I ran my fingers over the cold metal bike lock before running for the library door. As I walked by the main desk I got a few glares and odd looks, I shook them off before making my way to the back corner of the building. I logged into one of the public computers before setting down my small bag, which had left a red mark on my wrist from hanging there so long. "Daisy, oh my god your soaked!" I whipped my head around to see my best friends Victoria and Elizabeth running toward me, perfectly dry. "Hey guys, and oh really I didn't notice?" I spat sarcastically before going in for a hug. They tried backing away but I wrapped my arms around them, collecting their body heat. " Uggh Daisy get off me!" Elizabeth squealed. I giggled in response as they sat down in the chairs next to me and logged in. I sighed as I went on Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook. "Any new gossip?" Victoria asked while poking at the keyboard. "Not really, just the usual duck face selfies, and pointless posts." I said as I picked at the paint on my nails. "BORING." Elizabeth yawned. "Ok guys I have to take a pee, anyone else?" I rose from my chair as they shook their heads. "Ok then, be right back." I said as I started my walk to the restroom. I pushed on the cream colored door, stopping to look at myself in the mirror. My hair that had been soaking wet was starting to go back to its "natural" self, also known as a curly mess. The little amount of makeup I had put on earlier was now just a trail of memories that ran down my cheeks. I grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser, soaking it with water. I held it up to my face and wiped everything off. I then squeezed the access water out of my hair. My tomato read sweater was hanging lazily of my pale shoulder. I pulled it back up with a slight tug before entering a stall. As I was leaving the bathroom I heard deep laughter and out of curiosity I turned around to see who it was. I ran face first into the back of a boys head, I automatically jumped back, but it was too late. " Umm excuse me." a deep voice bellowed. He ran his hand threw his chocolate curls, which were also soaking wet. When he saw my face he looked shocked, but a crooked smile appeared. "Oh I am so sorry, I was just, I was.." I stumbled for words as I realized how ridiculous I probably looked. " No, its ok," he said " Your wet too?" I starred down at his muddy blue converse before replying. "Yep, I don't have much luck with the weather." I smiled. "Oh I can see that, by the way did you know your hair is soaking wet?" He smirked "Why do people keep saying that!" I spat. "Oh and yours isn't exactly dry either." I said with a small grin. " Nope the weather doesn't like me either, so what is your name, wet girl?" I winced slightly at the nick name. " My name is Daisy, how about you, wet boy?" He laughed, crossing his arms against his chest. "Trust me, I am not quite as wet as you, and Harry." My mind spun, haven't I heard that name before? "Oh my god are you in that band, umm One Direction?" My cheeks turned a crimson red as looked up at him. "Yes, you didn't know that?" He said with a eyebrow raise. I slumped onto the bench next to where we were standing. "I'm sorry, to be honest I only just realized who you are because of my friend Elizabeth." I smiled slightly thinking of how exited she would be when I told her I met Harry Styles. He sat down next to me, looking rather frazzled. " Hey, my friends would love to meet you, can you come and say hi?", "They would like freak!" I said enthusiastically. "I wish I could." he said running his hand through his hair for the second time. " But our tour bus just stopped so I could pee, we have to get going." I thought about everything that just happened in the last five minutes. I just met a singer from a band that my best friend practically worshipped. More than half the girls at our school are obsessed with the boy I am standing in front off. "Oh my god, ok bye." I said shaking at the reality of the situation. I turned on my heel to go back in the library. I felt a large hand pull me back. "wait," Harry said, " can I please have the wet girls number?" He smirked as I blinked in confusion. "Why in the world do you want my number?" I asked in confusion. "Well, because we have something in common, the weather doesn't like us, and also I think you are cute." I stood perfectly still for a second. What? Harry Styles from One Direction just said your cute. " Errmm your cute too." I said before immediately slapping my hand over my mouth. He laughed as I reluctantly handed him my green black berry. I wondered if he could see the embarrassment on my face as I took his iphone from his hand. "Here." he said with a smile as he slipped the phone into my back pocket. I wriggled slightly at his touch as I returned his phone. "Bye wet girl," I frowned, "I mean bye Daisy." I stepped out of the puddle I had made from standing in on place for so long. "Bye Harry." I said, still shocked he had called me cute. I watched as he walked away, getting smaller, and smaller. "Daisy!" Victoria yelled from behind me. "What the hell took you so long!" I turned around and looked at Victoria's tan face. "Umm I'm sorry I ran into someone." I bit my lip, praying she wouldn't ask who. "Oh, who was it"? I let out a shaky sigh. "Harry Styles."

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