Chapter 7

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I woke to the usual beeping of my alarm, pushing the snooze button. I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and cardigan. Today was the day we go to pick my dad up from the hospital. I was so exited that I had barely slept. Well I guess my sleeping issue wasn’t just from my father, but also because of Harry. He was so wonderful. I still found it odd that he picked me out of all the girls in the world, to be his friend. Well, friend that he kissed three times. I thought with a slight giggle.

“Breakfast Daisy!” My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I ran out of my room, practically tripping as I pulled her into a quick hug. When we separated she smiled. “Are you exited to see your father?” She asked with a grin. “Of course I am!” I responded quickly, trying to hold back happy tears. I am so happy that my dad is fine; seizures scare the crap out of me. I inhaled the plate of eggs I was handed, gulping my milk.

“Lets go!” I yelled, pulling on my navy pea coat. “Coming.” My mother responded, running over to me. I opened the door, skipping towards our shiny car. “I call shot gun!” I giggled, taking the passenger seat. “Well you’re the only other person hear sweetie.” My mother replied with a small smile. As we turned our street corner I felt my phone vibrate in my coat pocket. It was Harry.

Harry: Hey Daisy! I had so much fun last night! Anyway, remember those concert tickets I told you about? Well I just emailed them to youJ You can print them out yourself!

I giggled at his excitement.

Me: Hi! I had fun too J And ok yay!

After typing the short reply I slide my blackberry back into my pocket. For now I needed to focus on my father, not Harry.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital I flew from the car, running towards the door. My mother grabbed my hand, running with me. The lady at the front desk gave us a pass and told us he was ready to go. We giggled and laughed all the way up the elevator, so exited to see our missing puzzle piece of the family. When we reached 216, we saw that the door was propped open with a shoe, and we saw my father sitting at the foot of the bed, smiling. “Dad!” I screamed, running towards him. “Hey Runt!” I giggled at my fathers nick name for me. “I missed you!” I said with a smile. “It was only a day!” He said with a laugh, “But I missed you too.” He said. After him and my mother kissed a minute to long, we walked to the elevator and rode down to the bottom floor. “Bye Dave!” The sweet secretary sang, giving us a wave. As we drove home I returned to my seat in the back, happy to have my father again.

When we arrived at our house I checked my email to see Harry had sent me a message.

Harry: Hey Daisy here are the tickets I promised you! Xx

I stared dreamily at the “xx.” Yes, I was being ridiculous, as all British people seemed to put the two letters after messages but Harry had never sent them to me. It was like in a message he had kissed me two more times. I blushed, braking from my day dream and printing the front row tickets. He had sent me two, and I suppose I would give it to Victoria. I pulled out my cell to send him a quick thanks, and a couple kisses of my own.

Me: Thanks Harry <3 xxx

I bit my lip. Was three x’s to many? I brushed it off, walking into my room to change. As I opened my closet I felt my phone vibrate.

Harry: No problem love xxxx

I starred at the short text for what felt like hours. Harry called me love, and he sent me 4 kisses.




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