Chapter 11

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Authors Note: Hi! So I just uploaded chapter 10 this morning, but I don’t care. Haha so ya this chapter has some major drama! Enjoy! Xx-Sky

I fidgeted awkwardly in Victoria’s passenger seat. “What’s wrong with you?” Elizabeth questioned from the back seat. I bit my bottom lip, I didn’t no how to explain how I felt. “Nothing.” I said, hoping to shut her up. “Whatever.” She said, unconvinced.

“Do you just want me to drop you off at home?” Victoria asked, as we got closer to my street. “Ya sure.” I said, grabbing my swim bag. Victoria pulled her car into my small driveway. “Bye guys!” I said, hurrying inside.

I dropped the bag on the ground, running to my room. I immediately changed into a comfy pair of cotton shorts, and a tank. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, praying he would answer. “Hi love.” His cheeky voice said through the speaker. I practically screamed. “Hi!” I said, grinning like a idiot. “I miss you, but calling from Australia is very pricy, so I cant talk long.” Harry replied. I bit my lip, he didn’t sound very happy. “Oh ya I forgot, sorry.” I said, leaning against my door. “No its fine, how are you?” He said. “Im fine, I just miss you.” I sighed, realizing how pathetic I probably sounded. “I miss you too.” He replied, taking a deep breath. “So what have you been up too?” I asked, tucking a piece of damp hair behind my ear. “Well, we have had a few interviews, and we went to the beach yesterday!” He said. I could tell from his voice that he was happy. “That sounds great Harry!” I said, shifting my position so that I was resting my forehead against the door. “Ya, its been a lot of fun.” He responded. I could hear voices in the background so I decided it was probably time to say goodbye. “Ok well you sound busy, so I am going to say goodbye.” I said, smiling slightly. “ Thanks for calling Daisy, bye.” He said. I stood their for a second, listening to him still breathing on the other line. “I think I love you.” I said, feeling dizzy. I swallowed, awaiting his response. I looked down at my phone, realizing he had hung up.

Why did you do that? I thought to myself, slapping myself in the face. How could I have been so stupid? I kicked my door, falling onto my bed. I started crying, and I didn’t stop for what felt like hours. I am only seventeen, I thought to myself. How can I be in love? I shook my head. It didn’t matter how, because I was.

*The next day*

I rolled out of bed, realizing I was still in my outfit from yesterday. I looked at my bedside table to see a note. I picked it up, reading it. ‘Hey honey! Your father and I went out for breakfast, be back soon. Love you xx Mom’ I threw the note onto the floor, pulling of my cloths. I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked sick. I had makeup stains all over my face, and my hair was a rats nest. I took a deep breath, walking into my bathroom. I stepped into the shower, letting the water sooth my fragile body. I then stepped out, grabbing a fuzzy towel. I opened my dresser, removing a pair of gray leggings and a chocolate brown cardigan. I slid on the leggings, pulling the cardigan over my head. Next, I scraped my hair into a tight bun. I grabbed a sticky note from inside my desk. ‘I went for a walk.’ I scrawled in my messy handwriting. I ran down the stairs, setting the note on the kitchen table. I picked up an apple, sliding a pair of flats onto my feet. I fingered my phone in my pocket as I walked out the door.

I was scared to look at my phone, worried that Harry had messaged me saying he doesn’t love me back, and that he wants to break up. I decided to leave it in my pocket. I stared down at the sidewalk, not paying attention to the world around me, munching my apple. I continued walking, feeling the morning breeze against my back. Suddenly I was pushed to the cement. I looked up to see a man punching me in the ribs. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. Next thing I new, all I could see was darkness.

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