Chapter 13

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Authors Note: Im so sorry it took so long. Oh my god, its been over a month since i have put up a chapter. I have been really busy with summer camps,running, and just life. Anyway, if you guys are still intrested in reading i will continue to write. Here is the next chapter, ignore the grammer/spelling errors haha :) love, Sky x

Harry’s Part:

I opened one eye, wriggling in my plastic chair. I was sitting besides Daisy’s hospital bed, in the exact position I had been in last night. I rose from the chair, walking across the room in a frantic matter. How could someone do this to her? The question repeatedly floated into my mind. I looked down at her innocent face, she was frowning, and her hair was a lump on the side of her bruised cheek, but she still looked beautiful. “I love you Daisy.” I said to her unconscious body. It was weird, saying I love her. To be honest I barely knew her, but there was something about her that made that four letter word a reality. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I removed it, it was from Louis.

Louis: Hey mate, how is she?

I looked at the text, I had called the boys at 2:00 am this morning and told them about how she was assaulted and how I was going to stay with her. They had all agreed and said I was being an amazing boyfriend. I didn’t feel amazing..

Me: She is still unconscious..

I sighed, biting my lip as I realized typing the words made it more real.

Louis: Awwh poor girlL Send her my love when she wakes!

Me: I will, thanks.

Louis said, “when she wakes.” I let my mind go to the gutter and thought. What if she doesn’t wake up?


Daisy’s Part:

“Help!” I screamed, flipping myself onto my stomach. Where am I? I brought my shakey hands to my ribs, but all I could feel is layers of bandages. I tried to get up from the bed I was in. How did I get here? “HELP!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I looked down to see my right arm was wrapped in a green cast. I watched as a nurse rushed to my side. I was in a hospital. I was hurt, what had happened? “Get back in the bed sweetie.” A lady in black scrubs said, helping me lay back down. “What happened to me?” I asked, feeling hot tears against my cheeks. The nurse sighed, shaking her head. “You where assaulted while walking down the street.” She said with a frown. I swallowed down the rest of my questions as I fell back to sleep…


Harry’s Part:

I looked anxiously at the clock from my corner of the coffee shop. I rose from my seat, tossing my cup into the garbage. “Thanks.” I said to the worker who had made sure I had a place to sit where I wasn’t recognized. I pushed down on the heavy door, calling down a taxi. “Can you take me to the hospital around the corner?” I asked, staring at the back of the drivers head. “Yep.” He said, pulling onto the road. I nervously twitched my thumbs as we pulled into the hospitals parking lot. I felt guilty about leaving Daisy’s side, but I needed to eat and fuel up with some caffeine. “Thanks.” I said, handing the man a fifty dollar bill. “Keep the change.” I ran through the hospitals doors, feeling to familiar with the smell the building had, it smelled like death. “Daisy.” I said quickly to the lady at the front desk. She nodded, pointing a manicured finger towards the elevator. I quickly pushed the button and leaned against the elevator wall. I stepped into the hallway after hearing the ‘ping’ the machine made when it was at your requested floor. I stopped in front of Room 210, knocking on the door. I waited a few seconds, no one answered. I needed to see her face, conscious or not. I sighed, pushing open the door. She was sitting upright, her injured body wrapped in bandages. “Harry?” She whispered, her voice was weak and frail. “Hey babe.” I said, smiling as I made my way to the end of her bed. “What are you doing here?” She asked, messing slightly with her hair. “I’m here because I care about you.” I said, reaching for her hand. She neglected it, looking down at her lap. I but my lip, why wouldn’t she hold my hand? Then it hit me, she believes that I don’t love her. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was to nervous. “How long have you been here?” She asked, still looking away from me. “I’ve been here since last night, I just went out to get a bite to eat, I’m so glad your awake.” I sighed as the words jumbled out of my mouth. I watched her face carefully, the corners of her lips slowly went up. “Thanks for coming Harry.” She said, her eyes meeting mine. “No problem.” I whispered, taking a seat in the chair besides her. Suddenly the nurse from last night burst through the door. “We have bad news.” She said, breathing heavily. I bit my lip, looking over to Daisy. Bad news? “What is it?” Daisy asked, her voice cracking. I watched as the nurse scanned her clip board. “We would like to have someone close to you tell you the news.” The nurse said, looking over to me. “I guess you can tell Harry.” Daisy said, looking my direction. The nurse nodded, signaling for me to follow her. I stumbled behind her, watching as she closed the door. “Daisy was raped.” The nurse said, reopening the door, not giving me a second the adjust to the news. She was raped? I stranger did that to her? My feet didn’t move from my spot in the hallway. “Tell her slowly.” The nurse said, rushing back down the hallway. I felt something inside of me break. I was angry. I put my head n my hands, taking a deep breath. I walked back into Daisy’s room, kneeling beside her bed. “What is it?” She asked, a look of worry was plastered across her innocent face. I shook my head, I didn’t want her to know. “Harry, tell me now.” She demanded. I sighed, reaching for her hand, she let me take it. “Daisy…you.. where..someone..they..” I let my voice trail off, I couldn’t tell her. “Harry, I need to know.” She said, looking me in the eyes. “You where raped.” I said, looking up to see Daisy’s innocent eyes fill with shock.


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