Home Sweet Home

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I've lived in Forks, all my life. I had gone to see my mum and little sister Bella in phoenix in the summer of course but I can't shake Forks, it's my home. That's why today was so exciting and important to me, Bella was finally moving back home. Despite the distance we always made it our mission to speak everyday, even if it was just for an hour. But of course we always spoke long into the night driving out parents nuts with the phone bills, they didn't mind though they knew the we couldn't go without talking.

Charlie had done his best with the room and I knew my younger sister would love it, purple is Bella's favourite colour after all. I had decided I wasn't going to be there when my Bella first arrived, I thought it best that I give her and Charlie some time to catch up. So I went out to the Black's place in the reservation, I spent most of her time out here. I tried to get Charlie to enrol me in the school here but not even close. Forks highschool was closer, easier to get to so I didn't hold it against him. I only had a year left to graduate, thank whatever higher being there is for that because I honestly don't think I could take school much longer.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, whatever the hell your trying to do" jacob said with a laugh motioning to the open hood of my truck. "but we're about to head over to your place." I frowned at the engine of my beloved black truck and growled.
"fine but it's Friday so I'm staying the night to finish it." he laughed and nodded, with that I wiped the grease off my hands and threw the rag down. With a broad smile I turned to him and said "let's go get my little sister."
"she's only two years younger than you." Jake chuckled.
"oh shut up, it's a dominance thing." I teased. He chuckled as we turned to help Billy into Bella's new truck.

The truck hadn't even stopped before I threw myself out of the backseat, swining the door open and barging up the stairs to pick my sister up into a long embrace. Bella laughed "hello to you too" placing the smaller girl down gently I grabbed her wrist to pull her down the stairs.
"do you remember Jacob Black?" I rushed out.
"um vaguely I'm not sure" Bella had a look on her face of deep thought.
I made a noise of amusement "well he hasn't forgotten you." I chuckled as Jacob frowned at me.
"subtle." he furrowed his brows further at me and I smirked back quickly turning back to Bella who apparently found the floor super interesting. "Hey Bella, it's good to have you back" Jake started. Her head snapped up and she offered him an awkward smile. "maybe now Becka will stop whining that you're not here." he chuckled and clicked his tongue as he walked over to ruffle my brown hair.
"you think you're so funny, Black" I nudge his shoulder but laughed turning back to Bella.
"nice truck" she nodded towards the red truck behind the pair and put her hands in her hoodie pocket.
"oh yeah?" Charlie asked walking over pushing Billy over with him. "it's yours" a smile broke over the both of their faces.
"really? You've got to be kidding me! This is.. This is perfect." Bella beamed as she opened the front door hitting Jacob in the knee with it, I snorted as she said sorry and Jake hobbled over to the passenger seat. Charlie crossed his arms looking pleased with himself, Billy chuckled.
"I told you I'm down with the kids." Billy joked looking up at Charlie. Charlie snorted in response and raised a questioning eyebrow at me.
"oh yeah, Billy is the bomb-diggity" I made my way over to Billy to fist bump him, we made explosion noises as we drew our hands back. Charlie rolled his eyes in response.
"beer?" Charlie asked Billy letting his arms drop from his chest.
"now that's what I'm talking about." Billy chuckled as he wheeled himself up to the stairs.
I turned back to see Bella and Jacob chatting to each other still sitting in the car. I shook my head at the sheepish smile plastered on Jake's face and turned to go inside.
                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Jacob and I headed back to the Black's home early leaving our father's to the game they were so wrapped up in, after Bella headed to bed early.
I had run straight to the shed to figure out what the hell was wrong with my truck, I hunched over the engine for a good hour with Jacob fiddling around in the shed behind me when a knock on the steel door startled us. Jumping from the sudden noise my head collieded with the bonnet of the truck, I cursed under my breath rubbing the top of my head 'that's going to be a lump' I thought to myself.
There was a chorus of chuckles from the now open door, I wirled around to shoot daggers at the boys. "shut it." I said through clenched teeth, Embry snickered at me and Quil's laugh only grew. I rolled my eyes at the boys and went back to work.
"so Becka I heard your sisters back in town?" Quil questioned trying to be calm about it but failing.
"what's it to you, Ateara?" I questioned with a humph noise as the wrench caught on a bolt.
"is she as hot as you?" he said in a low voice, I rolled my eyes again as Embry laughed.
"number one ew, number two she has eyes like me so I doubt she'll be interested." I teased the boy still not looking up from the engine.
Jacob and Embry burst into hysterical laughter. "Burn!" Embry shouted through a laugh.

Embry and Quil had stuck around for a couple hours and left soon after. I ordered a pizza for Jacob and myself and we scoffed it down within a matter of minutes "I'm going to bed." I said through a yawn, getting up from the table with a groan. Jacob nodded in agreement and said goodnight around a mouthful of pizza. I wondered through the hall towards the door as I reached for the handle a loud howl pierced the air making me freeze "yo, Jake I'm sleeping on the couch inside tonight." I called over my shoulder he laughed in response.
"you afraid of the big bad wolf?" he called from the kitchen.
"you mean the dogs that like to eat humans?" I called back making my way back through the hall "hmm let me think about that for a moment." I flopped my body onto the couch and rolled so my face was buried into the backrest. Jacob's feet padded on the floor as he wondered around the house, a pillow hit my head and a blanket followed shortly after, we chuckled in union.
"night." Jacob called turning off the light and heading towards his room.

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