The Plunge

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When we arrived I could already feel the ice cold wind through the truck.
I embraced it though, I loved the cold more than any other weather. I mean summer is great & all -that is for places that actually have it- but there was just something about the rain & the cold that drew me in.
I hoped out of the truck & began to walk to the edge of the woods that lined the beach. We've done this walk a thousand times, we'd hike up to the cliff edge & sit there for hours talking, laughing, hanging our legs off the edge. Once when I was sixteen, I remember Embry almost falling off the edge. Jacob had only just managed to grip his arm & pull him up before he went over, the scared look on Embry's face still makes my heart clench but it was mostly a happy spot for the four of us. Embry had his first kiss here, Jacob & I had escaped here for multiple reasons one of them being my first heartbreak I had just been dumped by my first ever boyfriend so I came out here, Charlie was looking for me for hours but Jacob knew exactly where to find me he told me that day that I didn't need anyone else because I had him & he would always be here for me the memory still brings a tear to my eye & Quil came here when his dad took off, we all made a pact that day that we would never leave each other. & so far we've made good on that pact, even with Embry being apart of the pack & unable to hang out with the boys he still watches out for them he does the best he can with what little he has.

We had been hiking for at least half an hour when we finally reached the clearing. The view of the horizon almost swollowed us whole as we sat down the edge of the cliff & hung our feet. I swung my feet around as I looked down at the water despite the rain there were only small waves, the swell wasn't all that big.
"hey Quil-" I said breaking the silence. "I'll give twenty bucks if you jump." I said with a challenging smile. He snorted.
"yeah right, it's freezing. I'll give you twenty if you jump." he said throwing the challenge back at me.
I stood up "make it thirty & you have a deal." I retorted he nodded his head in agreement & I stood kicking my shoes off & throwing my hoodie at Jacob.
"I don't condone this." Jacob said with a shake of his head.
"& I don't care." I said as I started to back up, I needed a running start. I looked down at my tracksuit pants when I was far enough back & took them off too, they would only weigh me down once I was in the water.
"one-" quil said starting the countdown. I let out a long breath "-two-" he continued.
"Becka, you really shouldn't do this do you even have a change of clothes?!" Jacob interrupted.
"three!" Quil said loudly. I took of pushing of the ground with the tips of my toes when I reached the edge, I flipped my body upside down so that I did a front flip & was able to flip Jacob & Quil off as I began to free fall. I let gravity take over as I took one deep breath in & held it making sure to put my arms above my head so that the water broke on my finger tips & not on my head as Embry had shown me when we were younger, the icy embrace of the water shocked my body but only for a second. I opened my eyes & swam to the surface breaking the water with a gasp. I took a few deep breaths in before I started swimming away from the cliffs ducking under waves as I swam. I rounded the corner & I was far enough away that I could safely catch a wave to shore & began wadding water as I waited for the perfect one. A couple of minutes had passed when a decent wave began to form, I let myself be dragged back a touch before keeping my position. The wave was right underneath my body & I began to swim with it my body rolling under the impact of its break. I stood & began to walk to the shore where Jacob & Quil were waiting for me, they were clearly out of breath from running down to meet me. Jacob handed me my hoodie & I wiped my face with it looking at Quil.
"you owe me thirty bucks." I said, he nodded & handed me the cash.
"I didn't actually think you'd jump!" he said shocked.
"it's becka, of course she'd jump" Jacob said, slapping Quil over the head "idiot." he added as he rolled his eyes.
I laughed at the two & nodded in the direction of the car "let's go, I need some dry clothes." I said Jacob nodded shrugging off his grey hoodie & draping it over my shoulders.
"where we going?" quil asked.
"I've got the perfect place." I said as a smirk began to crawl onto my face.

When we pulled up to Paul's house, Jacob looked confused.
"where are we?" he asked. I didn't say anything as I grabbed my shoes & tracksuit pants from the backseat, Quil looked nervous because he knew exactly where we were & he didn't want to see Jacob's reaction.
"Paul's house." I said as I turned to open my door clothes in hand.
"what?!" Jacob groaned.
"I'm just getting some dry clothes then I'll take you home, promise." I said drawing a cross over my heart with my forefinger. He groaned but followed me out of the car & towards the cabin.
Paul opened the door all smiles until his eyes landed on Jacob.
"becka-" he began.
"I'm just here to get some dry clothes then we'll leave." I pouted at him.
"you don't have to leave, wait why are you all wet?" he asked as his brow knit together.
"jumped off a cliff." I said with a smile as I walked into the house, he turned to follow me.
"why?" he asked sounding slightly alarmed.
"thirty bucks." I said with a shrug.
"which one of you idiots paid my -clearly very impressionable- girlfriend to jump off a cliff?" he whirled around to glare at the boys & crossed his arms over his chest.
"hey!" I said frowning at him "I am not impressionable." I said devensivly "& it was Quil." I said as I winked at Quil & walked to Paul's room. I heard Quil gulp as I left them alone.
I rummaged through Paul's closet to see what I could find, I threw on my tracksuit pants & converse & found one of Paul's shirts, I searched for a jumper & found a dark green sweater at the back of the closet & threw those on too.
As I walked out of the room I heard Paul trying to make small talk with Jacob & Quil "so do you um-" he paused "do you want something to drink?" he asked awkwardly.
"actually I'd really like a water, man." Quil said.
Jacob mumbled a no as Paul rummaged through the cupboards to find a cup for Quil.
I walked around the corner & perched myself on the bench.
"what are your plans for the rest of this afternoon?" Paul asked "it's almost dark." there was an unspoken warning in that sentence but I only shrugged.
"I'll drop these two off & probably have to head home. Charlie has a new rule where during the week I have to be home by eight, its apart of the whole going to school arrangement." I said rolling my eyes.
Paul nodded "yeah, you should be going to school. I was going to say something but I guess I just liked having you around too much." he said with a smirk.
I giggled & pushed his shoulder playfully "shut up." I said.
I heard Jacob scoff & remembered that there were other people here, I'd forgotten for a moment. "is becka blushing?" he asked clearly taken aback. Paul chuckled.
"yeah she does it all the time." Paul said with a smirk.
Jacob snorted "that's so sweet it gave me a cavity." he joked.
"okay, screw you guys." I said with a smile as I pointed between the two of them.
"I'll get to it princess." Paul said, I rolled my eyes at him & began to head for the door.
"okay I'm leaving now." I said as I held the door open for Quil & Jacob.
"aw but it just got interesting." Quil said. I rolled my eyes again at the situation, I was being ganged up I know how Quil felt.
"yeah, Becka I just found out you have feelings." Jacob said emphasising the 'feelings'
I banged my forehead against the door frame causing them to chuckle as they walked out the door.
"want me to check in later?" Paul asked as he walked over to me.
I nodded "yeah, I know you have the house & all but I can't sleep well without you-" I paused "& that says a lot because I can sleep through anything." I said. Paul smiled & pulled me into a one armed hug.
"I know what you mean." he said kissing my forehead "leave your window open, I finish patrol at nine." he told me, I nodded standing on the tips of my toes to kiss his cheek.
"love you." I said as I walked down the porch steps.
"you too." Paul called as he lent against the doorframe & watched me get into the car waving as we drove down the dirt driveway.
"I still don't like him." Jacob said breaking the silence.
"I think you're scared of him." Quil teased, I laughed knowing Quil was probably right. If only they knew that Paul wasn't the arse he seemed to be.
"am not." Jacob defended himself.
"aw jakey-" I said "are you afraid of the big bad wolf?" I teased, Quil snorted from the backseat. I knew that they wouldn't get my little joke but I amused myself.
"wolves I like-" Jacob said pushing his long black hair behind his ear "him I don't." he lent his head against the truck window & watched the trees go by as we drove.

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