Bye, Bye, Bella

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I pulled up out the front of Paul's house & turned the car off "you coming in?" Paul asked as he lent on the open door.
I gave him a tight smile & shook my head "eight o'clock curfew remember? Charlie will cruifi me if I don't show up on time." I explained.
He nodded as he shut the door & walked around the truck to my window, I wound it down & lent my head out.
"I'll come around later then?" he asked pushing a stray hair behind my ear, I smiled softly at his touch & nodded. He bent his head down & placed a soft kiss on my lips & leant back to smirk at me.
"you're heart is beating like crazy." he said smugly.
I rolled my eyes at him "shut up." I said as I started my truck back up.
He chuckled as he stepped back & waved a goodbye to me as I drove away.

When I arrived home, Charlie was sitting watching the game "Hey Pop." I said as I walked over to him.
"hey sweetheart." he said as he took a sip of his beer.
"Bella upstairs?" I asked, I figured I'd make use of my new curfew & spend more time with Bella. We've barely spoken since she got here, she was with Edward & the cullens & I was juggling Paul & the pack as well as Jacob & Quil, we were just too caught up in our own very distant worlds.
"no, she went to play baseball with Edward & his family." Charlie said with a sigh.
"oh fun." I said sarcastically, laying out on the couch beside his recliner.
"you have more of those?" I asked nodding to his beer cans.
"mhm I'll go & get some." he said standing to get the beers, I heard the fridge door close shortly after but Charlie was stopped in his steps by Bella running into the house like a whirlwind.
"Edward just go away." she said sounding distressed. My eyes widened as I turned to look at what was going on.
"Bella please-" he begged from behind the screen door.
"I said leave me alone." she yelled as she ran up the stairs Charlie barely stopped to glare at Edward before running after Bella, but he did stop. I stood up & walked over to the door & crossed my arms over my chest.
"what's going on?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him, I knew Bella wouldn't just leave him. Not like this he would have, had to have done something pretty messed up for her to leave him & talk to him like that.
He shook his head "we had a fight." he said. I knew he was holding something back from me & I wanted to know but I didn't have time to press him because before I could get the words out he had disappeared.
"nice talking to you too, lover boy." I said rolling my eyes as Bella rushed down the stairs bags in hand. I frowned at her as I blocked her path.
"Bella please we can talk about this." Charlie said begging her to stay. "we can-we can hang out more I know I haven't been around but-" he was trying to plead with her but she cut him off.
"but what dad we can eat at the diner every wensday? Steak & cobbler? That's not me dad that's you!" she argued.
"we can do other stuff." he sounded broken at the prospect of loosing his daughter again. "Bella please I just got you back." he said tears welling up in his eyes, she turned & looked me in the eye, she couldn't even look at him.
"yeah & if I don't get out now I'll be stuck here like mum." she said as she pushed her way past me.
I didn't make a move to stop her not after what she had just said, it stunned me to the core. I couldn't believe she had let those words come out of her mouth. I looked to Charlie who was looking at the floor, I didn't know what to say, there was nothing I could say. He sniffed & looked up at me with teary eyes.
"I um-" he said his voice breaking, he cleared his throat as he reached for one of the two beers he had left on the table beside the door when he ran after Bella & cracked it taking a deep gulp.
I followed him as he walked to the lounge room still shocked but also unbelievably mad that Bella had said that to Charlie he had done nothing to deserve that verbal bitch slap. I sat in the lounge room with him in silence for awhile before a knock sounded at the door. Charlie jumped up almost immediately it broke my heart to hear him whisper 'Bella?' under his breath but instead I turned to see Rosealie & Esme standing at the door.
"hello Charlie, I'm sorry to call on you so late but by any chance have you seen Edward?" Esme asked. I frowned looking at Rosealie & stood.
"he & Bella just came through, Bella just left town because of your possessive psychoctic-" Charlie cut me off.
"Becka-" he said holding his hand out & waving it downwards "ease up maybe we can figure this out together." Charlie said with a frown.
My anger began to simmer down as I looked at Rosealie who just offered me a knowing glance. I stepped aside as Charlie opened the door to let the two Cullen women in & I stepped out.
Rosealie frowned at me her perfect porcelain face looked almost unfamiliar with wrinkles.
"where are you going?" Charlie asked me.
"anywhere but with these two. No offence but your son is a dick & no offence to you either Rosealie you're pretty great too but the fact that Edward is your son & your brother makes me instantly not want to be around you especially since whatever he did was serious enough to cause Bella to verbally bitch slap my father & skip town. So excuse me if I want nothing to do with the people involved with that pale prick." I said turning on my heel & storming off to my truck.
I jumped in the front seat & turned on the car immediately driving in the direction of the reservation, I had been driving for awhile & was about a minute off the res line when my truck jolted, I looked in the review mirror to see Emmett standing in the tray & stopped the car. He jumped through the open passenger window & looked at me.
"drive." he said. I shook my head.
"I can't take you over that treaty line." I said with a frown.
"then turn around but don't stop." he said sternly, I did as I was told he sounded on edge.
"what's going on?" I asked.
"there's a vampire tracking Bella, two of them." he said, my eyes widened. Thats why she was skipping town she was trying to protect Charlie.
"why are you here then?! You should be with her!" I shouted at him panic for my siser setting in.
He only shook his head his eyes scanning the woods.
"no Edward has been keeping tabs, he's following you." Emmett said not dragging his eyes away from the woods surrounding us.
"why me?" I asked with a frown. He shrugged.
"I don't know, we're sure he'll back off soon, he's probably just watching. His main goal is Bella, you've probably just distracted him. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." he said it as if it wasn't a big deal but I knew that it was Emmett's way of saying he gave a damn.
I nodded & continued driving "so where are we going?" I asked.
He looked at me all of a sudden & sighed "you're not going to like this but you need to go home you're safe with Emse & Rose, I'll be making sure that your protected by securing the perimeter. We won't let anything hurt you or Charlie." he said, I frowned knowing Paul & the pack could handle this & to be honest I had more faith in the pack than I did in the Cullens it wasn't anything personal it's just that it was personal, I preferred Paul & Embry my partner & my best friend over three vampires, even if Emmett was becoming one of my friends I still had him at arms length, I couldn't not he was dangerous.
"okay-" I nodded "but you'll have to deal with Paul dropping by, he'll jump through my window so don't be alarmed." I told him.
"I could smell him from a mile away anyway, so I'll know it's him." Emmett said with a nod.

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