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Jared & Embry took Jacob & Quil home so that I could go back to Paul's house, Paul was driving back because I was to cold to do anything else but curl up in a ball.
"you shouldn't have gone swimming." Paul said glancing over at me. I poked my tongue out at him but didn't say anything as I pulled the blanket closer around myself. He tugged the blanket & I moved over into him, I rested my head on his lap as he drove.
"s'warm." I stuttered out over my shivers.
"mhmm I'll get you into a warm shower the minute we get back." he promised I nodded my head "we're not far off." he said.
I couldn't help the beat my heart skipped as I looked back on Paul telling me he loved me.
"what're you thinking about?" Paul asked hearing my heart.
I rolled my head to look up at him "you." I admitted. He smiled but he didn't look at me his eyes were glued to the road it was raining heavily outside & he was focused on getting us home.

When the truck came to a hault he sniffed the air "Becka if I told you to stay in the car, you wouldn't would you?" he asked trying to stop his body from shaking.
"what's out there?" I asked, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up at the threat of danger. I didn't realise how silent it was until just now, no sound of bugs or birds there was just...nothing.
"leech." he said his jaw tightening as he tried to control his body from shaking.
I looked at him with wide eyes "I'll go straight inside, Paul." I told him, he nodded as he got out of the car holding the door open for me. He rushed me to the porch & unlocked the door ushering me inside.
He sniffed the air again & frowned "Paul, what's wrong?" I asked hurriedly as I looked around for the threat.
"it's gone." he said confused. "I've warned Sam they should be here any second." he said. I nodded as my body shivered.
He turned to face me "you're still cold?" he asked. I nodded.
"yeah but don't worry about it, its fine if there's a vampire in the area. I'll just get comfy on the couch." I said. He shook his head as he turned to me grabbing my face in his hands.
"no, you need to get warm before you catch a cold." he said as he kissed my forehead & led me down the hall.
He turned into the bathroom & ran the shower for me I watched as he did, he turned around & took the blanket from me & pulled my shirt of my head, I took my jeans off & kicked them to the side. He stood there for a moment looking at me, he took a step forward but was interrupted by the front door slamming open.
"Paul?!" Sam called urgently. Paul's jaw tightened causing his muscles to tick.
"you get warm, I'll come check on you soon." he said before walking out of the room & shutting the door behind him, I stepped into the shower realishing the touch of the warm water.

When I had finished, a nock sounded on the door. I opened it just enough to stick my head out. Embry stood there covering his eyes as he thrust one of Paul's oversized shirts at me, I grabbed it & he turned on his heel rushing away from the bathroom. I chuckled as I imagined what Paul must have said to him for him to not even say anything to me. I shut the door & pulled the shirt over my head, it came down to my knees & I was glad for that. I walked to Paul's room throwing on some of his socks & spotting a pair of tracksuit pants, I walked over to grab them as I did I noticed they'd be way to big for me but I threw them on anyway folding the hem a few times to make them fit. I caught sight of myself as I was walking out of the room the clothes dwarfed me, making me look tiny. I laughed at myself as I walked to the kitchen to make myself a tea. When I rounded the corner the pack were in the loungeroom all eyes suddenly on me.
"um, hey." I said with a nervous wave as I continued to the kitchen. I turned the kettle on & put two spoon fulls of sugar into my cup. I turned to the cupboard to get out the stash of rose tea I had only to find it on the top shelf, I groaned as I stood on the tips of my toes to get it only just missing it. I jumped a little as someone reached over me & took the tea from the shelf holding it out to me. It was Sam Uley.
"Thank you." I said taking it from him. He only nodded in response.
"I hate to be that guy but would you mind making the guys some coffee? I need them to sober up a bit more so we can sort this out." he said, I nodded.
"yeah that's cool, you want sugar in them?" I asked.
"yes!" I heard Embry & Jared yell from the loungeroom. I laughed as I got to work. Sam turned to walk out of the kitchen "Sam-" I said stopping him in his tracks he turned to look at me "you want one?" I asked, he smiled at me.
"that'd be nice." he said with a nod.
"& Sam?" I called again he turned to look at me once more "how the hell did a blood sucker get onto Quilute lands?" I asked. His face became serious again as he thought about it.
"I don't know but it won't get the chance to do it again." he said his voice dripping with venom at the mention of the undead on his lands. I nodded knowing it wouldn't & continued making coffee & tea.

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