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When we arrived at the beach the party was in full swing. I noticed the guys huddled over by the fire either with their imprint or flirting with some girl to pass the time. I didn't see Paul though & I looked around for him. I found him laying out on a log with a stick in his mouth & sucked in a sharp breath as I watched his muscles flex, I began to walk over to him but stopped when another girl did, she was smiling down at him as she handed him a beer & sat down in front of him. The way he smiled at her made my heart snap & rage bubble inside me. He turned his head to look at me, his eyes wide.
"Becka!" he called me over, I turned on my heel & stalked over to Jacob & Quil.
"what is that nonesense?" Quil asked as he looked over at Paul & the girl he was flirting with. I shook my head.
"I-I don't know." I frowned as I reached for a beer cracking it & basically inhaling the entire contense.
"you want to head out?" Jacob asked looming over me protectively.
"no. I'm good. We'll stay." I said not wanting to leave them here.
I grabbed another beer from the esky that Quil had brought here & downed it almost as fast as the other, then I grabbed another & cracked it only to take a sip.
"slow down, loca." Quil said.
"you here to party or what?" I said faking a smile.
Quil raised his can in cheers & began to skull his beer.
We drank like that for awhile, all of us downing the alcohol way to fast. We soon began to break out into fits giggles as our banter slurred from our mouths.
"no your-you are." Quil slurred, the hiccup at the end of the sentence only made it funnier.
"I'm a what?" I asked, swaying a little.
"you're the b-best." Jacob said as he burped.
I laughed as I cringed & shoved his shoulder "yuk." I said but continued to laugh along with them.
Quil made a noise of amazement causing Jacob & I to turn to him expectantly "nope, don't worry about it I've forgotten." he said with a sheepish smile.
I snorted at him as I took another swig of my beer. "oh! No it's back let's go swimming." he slurred. Jacob nodded & immediately threw his shirt on the ground & began to run to the water, Quil did the same & left me standing there. What the hell do I have to loose? I thought as I curled my toes into the sand & stood out of my jeans. I began running to join them. I reached about waist height depth of water & dive down under it. Embracing the cold cooling down my body, usually we'd jump in at the end to sober up but I had drank so much that this didn't even sober me up a little. I looked up at the stars & floated on my back for awhile.
I didn't notice Embry had swam up behind me so when I turned to see him I jumped "jesus Em, you scared the shit out of me." I said with a frown he laughed which resulted with me splashing water on him.
"why are you in the water Becka?" he asked with a smile.
"Quil thought it would be a good idea." I said with a smile.
He laughed "he's by the fire wining about how cold it is." he said.
My eyes widened "how long have I been in here?" I asked.
He shrugged "like a half hour." he said. I nodded, I must have lost track of time.
"hey, since when has anything Quil said been a good idea?" he asked. I chuckled at the comment.
"you know they miss you." I said suddenly feeling nostalgic. He nodded a sad look crossing his face for a moment.
"I miss them." he said, I just nodded knowing that he missed the friendship he had with them.
We floated on our back beside each other, our arms slung together so we didn't drift apart just looking at the stars.
"em?" I said, he hummed in response. "who's that girl Paul was talking to?" I asked. He turned so that he was wadding water beside me.
"I don't know her, I've seen her around but I've never spoken to her. You don't have anything to worry about Becka, your Paul's imprint he wants you not her." he tried to assure me I looked at him & gave him a tight smile.
"it's getting cold, maybe we should go to the fire." I said he nodded as we swam to shore.
I was freezing when I got out so Embry gave me a piggyback to the fire, I embraced his warmth as he walked us over there. When we arrived he sat me down & went to get me a blanket. He drapped it over my shoulders & sat beside me.
Jacob & Quil were opposite us, both of them asleep on the sand their heads resting on a log. I smiled at them through the fire.
"I'm serious Becka. Stop worrying." Embry said catching my attention.
"I know, Em. I can't help it." I said looking at Paul & the girl he was with talking to each other if she got any closer she'd be sitting on him.
Paul looked over & met my eyes, he didn't make a move. I knew he could feel my pain & he did nothing, I sighed & lent my head on Embry's shoulder like I used to when we were kids. He turned his head to smile at me as he lent his head on my own.
We sat like that for a moment before Paul was suddenly standing in front of us.
I looked up at him but didn't move from my position, I was to tired & upset to deal with his anger issues at the moment.
"becka-" he started "can we talk for a minute?" he asked.
I moved my head to look up at him "why don't you go talk to your new girlfriend?" I asked sarcastically.
"she's not my-" he huffed "Becka you're my-" he huffed again. "please." he said sounding desperate & frustrated.
Embry stood & looked down at me "I'm going to get a drink, you should talk to him." he said as he walked away.
I rolled my eyes & stayed seated. Paul sat down beside me.
"it's not what you think it is." Paul said.
"then what is it?" I retorted putting my elbows in my knees so I could rest my chin on my hands.
"I would never want anyone else." he said "I just didn't know what to do after the argument. I didn't know if that meant it was over. I've never done this before." he said.
I turned my head to look at him "you don't just break up because of an argument, even if you were being unreasonable. Especially not when there's things like imprint involved." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity & looked back into the fire.
He groaned "its just that, even if you are my imprint you don't have to stay. You know? You could walk away from all this & not have it affect you but me? I'll go insane, Becka. I wouldn't know what to do." he shook his head & rubbed his hands down his face.
"I'm not going anywhere, Paul. Never." I assured him, he reached for my hand but dropped his own. I could feel his need to touch me & I couldn't help the reaction that my body had, I reached for his hand & grasped it in my own, entwining our fingers together. He looked down at our hands & I could swear I saw tears well in his eyes as he brought my hand up to his lips & placed a soft kiss on it.
"I don't want her you know." he said quietly.
"I know." I replied as I looked to where the girl was once sat, she wasn't there anymore though. She was talking to another guy who was at the party "I don't think she wants you anymore either way." I said with a snort. Paul looked up & saw her talking to someone else & laughed.
"I suppose not." he said with a smile & a shake of his head, I smiled up at him as he looked down at me. He lent in slowly & cupped my cheek with his hand. He looked deep into my eyes as he ran his thumb along my cheek bone, I was lost in his eyes as he lent down & connected our lips. Sending sparks through out my body, I let my eyes flutter closed as I kissed him back. The kiss was slow, our lips moving perfectly together. He broke the kiss & rested his forehead on my own still holding my cheek as he sighed.
"I love you." I said my eyes widening as I said it, I moved my hand up to my mouth as I looked him in the eyes. I scooted back as he looked at me taken aback. "I-I-shit." I said as I stood & began to walk to my truck.
"Becka-" Paul called after me as he stood & ran after me. I was cursing the alcohol for letting that slip, I felt so stupid. Even with the imprint & us being made for each other, was it to soon? "Becka!" Paul called again as he caught up to me. I was opening my door when he reached me but he pushed it shut with his hand & placed his other hand on the otherside of me caging me in. I turned to look at him but couldn't so I just stared at his chest & watched as it moved up & down. "Becka I-" he started.
But I interrupted him "I'm sorry, its probably to soon. I mean I know that you've already said it but you haven't said it since & -" I groaned.
He took my chin in his forefinger & thumb lifting my head gently so that he could look into my eyes.
"shut up." he said with a chuckle as he grinned down at me. He slammed his lips into my own kissing me passionately I sank into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me holding me close to him as our lips & tongues danced with each others.
He broke this kiss & looked down at me "I've said it before & I'll say it again, I love you too." he said confidently. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I laid my head against his chest.

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