Life As It Is

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(Play the song if you want)

Hey I'm Y/n. I'm a 17 year old teen in high school. I'll be graduating soon but I won't be able to go to college. Why you ask ? Because of the life style I live. I live in a house with just me and my little brother Coby. Where are our parents ? Dead. It's something we don't like to talk about. Anyway me and Coby have been on our own for 4 years straight. I have a job and I always work double shifts. Coby hates it but it's for the best.

I don't want anything to happen to my brother. I don't want the system to take him away from me. He's all I have right now. My best friend Maya, stays with us when her parents are fighting so we're not completely alone. School is bullshit. I mean I'm a good student and I have good grades. I just hate the teachers, homework, and the bullies. It's the worst. I'm working on my assignment for chemistry class until Maya interrupts me.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go shopping this Saturday and then maybe go to the movies with Jacob and the guys and then—"

"Maya, you know I work double shifts at the cafe.", I say. "I know but I wanna know how you get great clothes even when you barely have money.", she asks. "I shoplift and don't tell anyone.", I say looking around. "I'm you're best friend. Why the hell would I tell ?"

"Because you told when I stole a bag of chips from the cafeteria . And the time when I tried to steal that Gone With The Wind book from the library. And—"

"Ok I get it !! I was a chicken in my past life alright. But that was middle school and before we were friends.", she says. "Whatever Maya. I'll see what I can do with the shopping thing ok ?", I tell her. "Ok and Jacob wants to see you after school under the bleachers.", she says looking at her nails. "Why ??", I ask. "Who knows."

"I gotta get home and check on Coby.  He gets paranoid when I'm late and you know that.", I say. "Fine then go now and be back before the dismissal bell.", Maya says. "Alright stall for me.", I tell her and she nods her head. "Good luck"

"Don't need it.", I say with a smirk.

I got my things and walked out of class. The teacher wasn't looking so I was good. I walked towards the football field. I could see Jacob waiting for me. He looked worried. He checked his watch a few times until he realized I was behind him. I startled him. He turned around, smiled, and hugged me.

"There you are. I'm glad you showed up.", he says. "I had to hurry. But we need to make this quick.", I tell him. "I was wondering if you would join me and the guys at the movies tomorrow. Maya is coming too. I already asked her."

"Ok what time should I be at the theater ?", I ask him. "Oh don't worry I'll be picking you up.", he says with a grin. " there a way I should dress or something ?", I ask him. "Dress comfortable.", he says. "That's all ?", I ask him. "Yea ! So You'll come right ?", he asked me. "I will.", I say blushing.

It was now an awkward silence. He was leaning against the bleachers in his team jacket like the jock he is. We were smiling awkwardly at each other. He began to lean in closer to me. Was he gonna kiss me ? I don't think I'm ready for my first kiss. Just before his lips touched mine the bell had rung.

"Thanks Jacob. I'll see you tomorrow bye.", I say rushing. "Bye Y/n......I guess. See you tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 8:00 !!", he yells after me. "Got it !!"

I waved while running towards the parking lot. Jake waved back. He just stood there waving. I'm glad I got out of there before he could do anything. That was scary. I walk towards my car seeing Maya leaning against it. She's waiting for me so I can give her a ride home. I give her a stern look. "Why didn't you tell me ?"

"What do you mean ?", she asked. "Jake invited me to go to the movies with him and his friends and said he already asked you to go. And you didn't tell me !!", I say. "He told me not to !!", she says with a shrug. "Ugh !! What am I gonna even wear ?", I say to myself. "We'll figure it out tomorrow when I come over.", said Maya with a wink. "Alright then. Get in and let's go.", I tell her.

The care ride was the same as usual. We ride to our neighborhood bumping to our boy Justin Bieber. That's our man. We love his music. We gossip and laugh our asses off like we usually do. Then when it got quiet I told Maya about what happened under the bleachers with me and Jacob. "He tried to kiss you ?!"

"Yea he was gonna but the bell rang before he could and it stopped him. But besides, even if the bell hadn't rung I wouldn't have let him kiss me.", I say with a shrug. "Why not !?", asked Maya. "Because I don't know. I'm not ready ! I like him but still.", I say. "Ugh Y/n....."

"I've tried to just let my feelings take over but I was nervous and I—", I stop once I see him out the window. "There he is again !!"

"Who ??", Maya asked. "The guy with the shades !! I see him almost all the time."

We drove passed the guy with the shades. He had a little smirk on his face. He's cute. I see him almost everywhere I go, but it's secret. We make eye contact but we've never spoken to each other. Not even a small "Hi" or a "Hey". He was walking with a few other guys that were cute too. He lifted his head up giving us a nod. I smiled and kept driving. Finally I made it to Maya's house. We talked and smoked before she got out.

"I only have 6 cigarettes left you owe me 3 more.", she tells me. "I got you. Besides it's your turn to buy the weed. I did it last time.", I tell her. "Ugh do I have to fuck that guy again ?? Why don't you ever have to do it !?", she says groaning. "Because he respects my abstinence decision. I'm not losing my virginity no time soon. And plus you said you were the whore in this friendship.", I say laughing. "I did, didn't I ? Well, I'll get it tomorrow after the movies with the boys. I gotta go. I'll be over if these two idiots are fighting again."

"The door will be unlocked for you.", I tell her. "Good. See ya tomorrow."

Maya got out and waved. I waved back and we gave each other funny looks. I looked at my phone to see what time it was. It was 4:00 which meant I was late. I bet Coby is freaking out right about now. I drive down the street wear I live. I park and get my things. I run inside and see Coby on the stairs. His face is red and so is his eyes. He's been crying. He looks at me with anger.

"You're late !!", he says as his voice cracks. "I know Coby. I'm so sorry I lost track of time and I–", he cuts me off. "Stopped for a smoke !" "H-How did you know ?", I asked him. "You're my sister. And that's always the reason you're late. What if those people came and you weren't here !!", he says crying. "I'm sorry Coby believe me. I didn't mean to be late. I won't let anything happen to you. I swear. I'll kill for you Coby."

Coby gets off the stairs and runs towards me. He hugs me. He's squeezing me so hard. I hug him just as hard as he hugs me. My brother was scared and it was all my fault. I have to be better for him and me. I can't afford to lose him. If I lose him I might never get him back. I'll do anything for my brother. He's only 14. He needs me.

"What do you say we watch a movie tonight ?", I suggest. " long as I get to pick what we watch this time.", he says. "Ugh, deal.", I say rolling my eyes. "Stranger things ! You get the popcorn while I make us a fort and hurry cause I'm about to press play."

Hours later me and Coby had finished the second season of Stranger things. We were blown away. Coby looks at me and I look at him. We then started to play fight. I tackled Coby. Now we were rolling around on the floor, wrestling and fighting. Not real fighting. Just play fighting like we use to do when mom and dad we're alive. When we finished, I went to wash the bowl that had popcorn in it in the sink. I came back and Coby was fast asleep. He's sleeping peacefully. I lay next to him in the fort. I put a blanket over both of us and kiss his forehead. I fall asleep too. This is my life. Life as it is.

(Jacob/Jake is the same person)
I hope you like the first chapter of "Wanted" !!

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