We're not Friends

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It's been five days since I saw Jason. Well, since I let Jason say anything to me. When we would come across each other I either turn around or act like I don't see him. I meant what I said. Jason thinks he has such a bad lifestyle. I do too. It's just me and my brother. I've committed crimes just to get where me and my brother are right now.

Today, school was kicking me right in the butt. I had to do a project with someone I really don't want to talk to. You're right, it's Jacob. We had to parent an egg together. I've did this before with another guy and we got an A+, but I don't know if I can do it with Jake. I sit, doing my workwhile Jake is trying to have conversation.

"And Y/n, I realized she wasn't the one. I thought she would've liked eating at KFC but she likes McDonald's and I can't eat there.", he says. "Jake, I've told you a million times already. I don't care ! Can we please just give this egg a name ?", I ask, annoyed. "Ok I was thinking abou–", Jake cuts me off. "Y/n I'm so sorry for what I did to you."

I look at him and sigh. "Jake, I forgive you ok. Now back to the egg. I was thinking we could nam–", he cuts me off again. "I mean, I don't know what I was thinking. You're beautiful. I think I was just being dumb.", he says scratching his head. I just chuckle at him. "People are gonna think we're dumb if we don't do this project.", I tell him. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"Anyway how abou–", he cuts me off again. "Let me take you out Y/n.", he says. "Like on a date ?", I ask him. "Yes. This is real this time. Be at the Cafe at 7:30 today.", he tells me grabbing his things.

Jake kissed me on the cheek and then walked out of class. We still had at least 25 more minuets left of class. I can't believe I'm going on my first real date. I hope this is a real date this time. We didn't do our project. We haven't even named the egg yet. Junior it is.

I get home and call Maya and tell her about this date. She's flipping out. About 15 minuets of talking on the phone, Maya comes in the house while still on the phone. I laugh and we go up to my room. I could tell Coby was confused but didn't want to ask. Coby came in my room as well but didn't say anything. He just watched us go crazy. "Omg it's 6:00. You need to get ready !"

"Ready for what ?", Coby asked curious. "You didn't tell him !?", Maya says hitting me. "I called you first remember.", I tell her and she just rolls her eyes. "Ready for what !?", Coby asked impatient. "Your sister is going on a date.", Maya tells him. "With Jake."

"Oh no you're not ! That jerk broke your heart !", Coby yells. "Not necessarily. They weren't together.", Maya says to herself. "Why can't I Coby !?", I ask him. "You honestly wanna go through that again ? I might be fourteen but I know how some guys are. He doesn't deserve you. And neither does that Jason guy !", Coby says.

"Jason is miserable without her though.", Maya says. "He apologized Coby ! He's changed.", I tell him. "Fine ! If he breaks your heart again don't come home crying !"

Coby got off my bed, walked out of the room, and slammed the door. He's pissed and I'm pissed but I'm not pissed enough to just drop the whole date. Maya did my hair and makeup and picked out my outfit. Now I was ready.

I drive to the cafe and Jake was standing there with a nice outfit on. He looks handsome. I park the car and walk up to him. He hugs me and takes my hand. Once we settle down inside the cafe we began to chat. We talked about a lot of things. We talked about how we were doing ever since the last time we spoke. I told him about Jason and he understood what I was going through.

"He sounds like a real douchebag.", Jake says. "He is. I mean I still think about him 24/7 but I don't want to speak to him. Not right now anyway.", I say. "Do you like him ?", Jacob asked me. "I don't know. I haven't really given that much thought. I could like him but right now no.", I tell him. "Do you like Jaden.", Jacob asked. "Do I like Ja– That's my best friend ! Well, my best guy friend. Besides he likes Maya, and I'm pretty sure they're dating now.", I say laughing.

"Oh.....well who do you like ?", Jake asked. "No one at all. I don't really know if I wanna date right now cause guys are complicated.", I say. "We're not that complicated. Are we ?", Jake asked. "Yeah, you guys are. You can tell a girl you like her and then go behind her back and tell another girl the same thing.", I say. "That's only if we can't make up our minds.", Jacob says. "Oh wow, that's so typical."

We talked for another hour or so. I was having a wonderful time with Jacob. He made me laugh so hard that the people in the Cafe thought we were crazy. I was having a blast until Jason walked in. His eyes were a bit red. He was high. Him and his friends Domo and Pablo came in. They walked right over to where me and Jacob were sitting.

"What is this ?", Jason asked. "Excuse me, Jacob for one second", I tell him getting up from the booth. "What the hell do you want Jason !?", I say to him. "Jason ?", I hear Jake say. "Can you answer my question Y/n !?", Jason asks me. "I don't have to ! You don't own me. We're not friends, Jason. Remember that ?", I say to him. "Ouuuu she used your words against you.", whispered Domo.

"I didn't mean that, alright ?", he says. "No, it's too late for that. I said what I said and I meant it. Get outta here Jason !", I yell at him. "Y/n listen pl–", Jake cuts him off. "I think she just told you to leave her alone."

"Who was talking to you !?", yelled Pablo. "Yeah, who the fuck is you ?", said Domo. "I'm Jake and I'm her date and she asked you guys to please leave her alone.", Jake said wrapping his arm around my waist. "Jake, let's just go.", I whisper to him. "No Y/n, I want to talk to you.", Jason says grabbing my hand. "No, I'm done talking to you.", I say snatching my hand away.

I grabbed Jacob by the hand and I started to drag him out of the cafe. Before we could get out Jason grabbed Jacob and punched him in his face. They were at it. Domo and Pablo were no help at all. Jake was getting beat pretty bad. Before Jason could punch Jake again, I punched Jason in his face. He fell back holding his jaw. That gave me enough time to get Jake and put him in the car. I turned around and saw Jason coming out. It's my turn now.

"What is wrong with you ?! You start a fight with someone you don't even know for no reason !", I say pushing him. "If it wasn't for him we would've never met Y/n, and you know that !", he tells me. "That doesn't have anything to do with what you just did ! He's my date ! Why did you even come here !?", I ask him. "You've been avoiding me....I wanna know why."

"You wanna know why ? Because like you said, I don't know you. We are not friends, Jason ! I tried to be your friend but you lashed out on me ! I tried because I thought it could work !", I say. "You sound like you......wait.....do you love me ?", he asks me softly. "Maybe, but that doesn't matter now cause we're not friends !"

I didn't know I was crying until I walked off. I got in my car and drove off. Jake looked messed up so I had to bring him home. Maya was at my house cause I told her to watch Coby. When they saw what happened to Jacob, they were both shocked. They helped fix him up. Once we finished I let him sleep in my parents old room. Coby calmed down a bit and let it slide. Maya left and Coby went to sleep. I brought Jake some water.

"Thanks a lot, Y/n.", Jake says. "No problem. I couldn't just leave you and let him kick your ass.", I tell him. "So, that was Jason ?", he asks and I nod my head. "Did you two have something going on ?", Jake asked. "No. The night you blew me off to be with another girl, I ran into him. Literally. We talked for a bit and then he left. He had just robbed a bank. Then, when I went to look for him again I saw him and he pushed me away. I followed him to his house and snuck in. Then he lashed out on me just for trying to be his friend. I don't have time for him anymore."

"He robbed a bank !?", Jake asked. "Did you listen to any other part of what I just said ?", I ask him. "Yea but.....he robbed a bank !?", he says in disbelief causing me to laugh. "Yes, he did. Now, get some sleep. We have school tomorrow.", I tell him. "Could you lay with me ?", he asked. "Me ? Lay with you ?"

Jake scooted over and smiled at me. He patted on the bed with a ridiculous smile on his face. I laughed and laid down next to him. I flipped over and he did the same. The next thing I feel is his arms wrapping around my body. It felt nice. I didn't feel much but I felt protected. He kissed my head and we drifted off to sleep.

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