I'm Sorry

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Jason's POV

She loves me ? She doesn't know enough about me to love me. I don't understand. I need some answers about this girl. She's beautiful. I need to know about her. Jaden needs to hurry up and get here. I'm pacing back and forth. Domo and Pablo are being assholes right now. Domo wants Y/n to be his girl but that's not gonna happen.

"Man, why are you so worked up about a girl ? You said they're all bitches and sluts.", Domo said. "Well, Y/n is different.", I say. "How different ?", Pablo asked me. "I think she loves me. And she doesn't even know me.", I say as I shake my head.

"Well, once she's mine you won't have to worry about her.", Domo said with a smirk. "Hell no, Domo. Back off !", I say quickly. "You like her ? I mean the way you lashed out on her the other day makes it look like you hate her guts.", Pablo said.

"Yea, she might have a rough lifestyle too. Jaden did say it was just her and her little brother.", Domo reminded. "I didn't think about that.", l say as I scratch my neck "You never think, Jason.", Domo said. Domo rolled his eyes and went to the fridge. He pulled out three beers and gave one to me and Pablo. After another thirty minutes of pacing back and forth, Jaden was here. I need some answers.

"I'm here ! What's the emergency !?", he said, panting "Calm down Jaden. Jason just wants you to tell him about Y/n.", Domo told him. "Yeah, cause he thinks she loves him.", Pablo said in a mocking tone. "I don't think she does you dick, I know she does. I just wanna know why.", I say.

"Well, for one, she thinks you guys have a lot in common. Like being criminals.", Jaden tells me. "That girl ain't commit no crime !", Domo laughed "Yes she has.", Jaden said with a straight face. "Like what ?", Pablo asked. "She robbed a grocery store.", Jaden told us. "That ain't nothing.", I say.

"She shot a guy in the arm for calling her a bitch, dude.", Jaden said. "Well, damn. What else ?", Domo asked. "Well, her brother told me she was almost raped by a group of guys and she stabbed one of them to stop it from happening.", Jaden said softly.

"I guess she does have a crazy lifestyle.", I say. "She shoplifts almost everyday to get what her and her brother needs. They live alone.", Jaden says. "I love a woman with power.", Domo smirked. "I need to talk to her. Can you go to the school and get her ?", I ask him.

"She can't miss school. She's missed too many days already.", he tells me. "What do you mean ?", I ask. "Y/n has been suspended so many times for fighting and being mean to the teachers. If she's suspended one more time they'll expel her.", Jaden explains. "She's that bad !?", Domo asked in disbelief.

"I know you have her number. I need it.", I say quickly. "What are you about to do Jason ?", Pablo asked. "I need to apologize.", I say softly.

Jaden pulled out his phone and gave me Y/n's number. Her contact picture was her making a funny face. She's a doll. I text "This is Jason. Come by our place after school". She texted back "How the fuck did you get my number !?". I see she's still pissed at me. I text back "Just come by alright xo". I hope this works.

Your POV

I sit in class with Jake when I get a text from an Unknown number. It was Jason. How the hell did he get my number ? He wants me to meet him at his place after school. Before I could do anything else after school, I'd check on my brother.

I head to Jason's place. I do not want to be there. That's why I asked Maya to go with me. We knock on the door and wait for an answer. A shirtless Domo opens the door. He smiles at me. Maya runs in towards Jaden and sits in his laps while Pablo laughs. Domo wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me inside. He called for Jason and he came down.

"Dude, let go of her !", Jason snapped. "Alright.", Domo groaned. "See you, princess.", he whispered to me and winked. "Let's go up to the roof.", Jason said as he took me by the hand.

Chris smirked at me and winked again. I smiled at him and continued to walk with Jason. He took me up some stairs. When we got to the top of them there was a door above us. He opened it and out came a ladder. We climbed it and we were on the roof. I sat on a bench that was already up there. Jason sat beside me and I scooted farther away. He sighed and began to talk.

"I'm sorry Y/n.", he started. "You're sorry for what exactly ?", I ask, not feeling the apology. "I'm sorry for pushing you away.", he said. "That's all ?", I asked. "No, I'm sorry for not giving you a chance. I'm sorry for beating up your date. I'm sorry for lashing out on you the way I did. I didn't think about how you felt or thought about how your lifestyle was. I want to get to know you.", he told me.

"What you did really hurt my feelings, Jason.", I say softly. "I know and I'm really sorry. I mean it too. Can we start over ?", he asked, as he moved closer to me. "What do you mean ?", I ask him. Jason stood up and held his hand out. "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Jason McCann.", he said with a smile.

I stand up and laugh. "Hello. I'm Y/n Y/l/n. It's nice to meet you.", I say as I shake his hand. "Wanna be friends ?", he asked me with a smirk. "I'd love too.", I say softly. "Great !", Jason exclaimed.

Jason jumped up and picked me up. He started swinging me around. I laughed hysterically. He then put me down. He looked into my eyes then wrapped his arms around my waist. He was hugging me. At first I didn't hug back. I was so shocked at what was happening. I then wrapped my arms around his neck. It was a good hug. He then pulled back and looked at me. I noticed how close our lips were. I also noticed we both were leaning in. I stopped it. I mean he just became friends. Things would be moving to fast. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I laughed nervously and so did he.

I grabbed his hand and we went back down

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I grabbed his hand and we went back down. Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me to where he would be sitting. He sat me in his lap. This looks like the start of an amazing friendship.

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