Escaping camp cambell pt1

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Your POV:

We were making another escape a great one too well that is what max said guys meet billy he had a fringe, an eyepatch, a candy cane for some reason anyways he also had a sash with badges.

-time skip cuz I'm lazy-

We were on a boat and then Billy just threw nikki off the boat and then me and said NO GIRLS ALLOWED. NIKKI I heard Niel shout and then I blacked out

(Max's pov):

I saw Billy throw Nikki and (Y/N) off the boat and shouted NO GIRLS ALLOWED and then Niel shouted NIKKI and then out of nowhere Billy stabbed me with the candy cane (ewwwww gross!) YOU NEVER LEFT HIM DID YOU BILLY I shouted i told you I made a vow AND I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME SNAKE he said trying to punch me I dodged and Niel got hit and blacked out and when I turned around Billy punched me in the face and I blacked out.

(Nikki's pov):

We were on the boat and then I saw max looked shocked after looking at the sea and out of nowhere Billy just picked me up and threw me out AH I screamed then I saw (Y/N) get thrown off too and Billy shouted NO GIRLS ALLOWED and then Niel shouted NIKKI then soon (Y/N) blacked out and so did I

(Niel's pov):

We were waiting in the boat still then max said uh Billy  where are you taking us? then Billy picked up NIKKI and (Y/N) and threw them off shouting NO GIRLS ALLOWED NIKKI I shouted and max got stabbed by Billy with his CANDY CANE I MEAN COME ON HE JUST PUT THAT IN HIS MOUTH anyways he punched max YOU NEVER LEFT HIM DID YOU BILLY shouted max and Billy said I told you I made a vow and I said TO CALL ME SNAKE he tried to punch max straight in the face max dodged and hit me I blacked out and I heard laughter evil laughter coming from Billy and everything got darker and darker

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