He asked me out!!!!

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(Your pov)

Once we all got back we saw David and he scolded us about something i don't know because I wasn't paying attention and us four were on our way to our tent when max stopped me. I turned around to face him and max was looking down to the ground and he said hey (Y/N) um d-do y-you wa-want to go on a d-date with me. I was shocked that he felt the same way about me and I smiled and said yes. Ok how about tomorrow Wednesday in the woods at night he said. Sure I said as I walked back to my tent.

(Max's pov)

After David scolded us about not leaving camp I saw (Y/N) walking to her tent so I ran up to her and she turned around to face me and I was staring at the ground just great and I decided to speak up and said hey (Y/N) um d-do y-you wa-want to go on a d-date with me. I saw her expression shocked and she smiled and said yes I was happy she said yes. Ok how about tomorrow Wednesday in the woods at night I said and she said sure and she walked to her tent and little did I know David and Gwen were watching us and as I walked in my tent Nikki and Neil smiled at me. What I said and Nikki said you asked her on a date she cooed and I blushed so what if I did I said that means you love her Neil said I sat on my bed and laid on it and said just go to sleep. And I drifted off to sleep.

(Gwen's pov)

Me and David saw max asking (Y/N) out in a DATE and after when they went to their tents me and David decided to get them ready tomorrow so we agreed me,Nikki,Nerris and Erid will help (Y/N) while David and some of the boys help max and the rest will decorate. When we agreed on it we went to sleep and waited till everyone except max and (Y/N) were awake.

I love you but I just don't know it yet (camp camp max X reader) Where stories live. Discover now