Date night

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(Your pov)

It was night time and gwen and the girls came in and I put on my dress and did my hair in a braid then put it in a bun leaving bits of my hair on the sides curled up and Gwen put some make up one me and then the girls were like omg
(Y/N) you look beautiful and Gwen smiled and nodded then I walked out to see max in a blue suit with a dark blue rose on it and the boys were dressed up as either a waiter,a musician,chef and security so nothing bad happens. Then Nikki was the singer and the rest were casual and David came and said what would you two lovebirds like to have tonight. I looked at max and he said the lady would like to have (f/f) ( it means favourite food if you didn't know) and I would like to have some lobster and David smiled and said I will be right back with your order and after those words he left.

(Max pov)

After David left it was awkward because it was just us alone on a date then (Y/N) broke the silence and said so um i have something to tell you and then I said me too and we both said I love you max/(Y/N) and we both blushed when we confessed at the same time then David came with our food.

-time skip cuz I am tired-

After the dinner me and (Y/N) were walking around laughing and joking around and then we sat down and she faced me with her beautiful (E/C) eyes and with that we kissed for like 5 whole minutes then I broke the kiss for some air and later on I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes and it was official we are now a couple and nothing is gonna come between us.

Hey guys I know it is a short chapter but I was so tired and sorry for the wait I have school and church I only have a one day to relax and all so yeah hope you all forgive me

I love you but I just don't know it yet (camp camp max X reader) Where stories live. Discover now