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(Ofa's pov)
Ok guys we have gathered you here today because well we aren't actual siblings "What the fuck" said max.

( readers pov)

Wait so they aren't really siblings "GUYS THERE IS A NEW CAMPER AND SHE KNOWS YOU 4" David said "aw fucking hell not another camper" said max then we heard a cheery voice "HI GUYS" the voice said and as we turned around we saw SALLY (if you are wondering this is Sally-Mucknfuch p.s: sorry if you don't want to be in the book) "so what did you 2 do while I was gone tell me I want all the details" said Sally and ofa and Evil blushed "Sally we just told Nikki and (y/n) that we aren't even siblings" Ofa said "anyways-" Evil tried to say but got cut off "EVIL AND OFA HAVE BEEN SECRETLY DATING" Sally shouted and the entire camp heard it and ofa blushed while evil gave Sally the "you dead bitch" look and so we dragged ofa and evil away and we explained that they aren't siblings and the camp just went to doing what they were doing and then the group snuck a pic of ofa and evil kissing and there evila is now made and as for me and max well he came up to me and we shared at least one kiss and we heard cameras and we quickly pulled away "scrap book opportunity" said ofa as she puts the photo in her scrap book and they day went as usual and everything was fine

I love you but I just don't know it yet (camp camp max X reader) Where stories live. Discover now